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Living on a small farm, Cece busied herself with chores. But she lacked inspiration. She knew every rock on the farm, never experiencing anything new. Everything was same old, same old.

Until Jay came to work at her family farm.

"Ugh. Farm story?" Aaron asked. Ally scrunched up the sheet of paper hurriedly.

The war was erupting. Cece tied up her hair, sliced it off, and put the tattered remains of it in a newsboy's cap. Then she slipped into boy clothes, and shoved a few coins into her pocket. She wanted to fight.

Jay told her not to. He was going in for a reason. Girls shouldn't fight. Cece didn't listen to him. If he were to die, she would die alongside him.

"I'm not letting them kill you!" Cece protested.

"Ummmm....." Ally muttered, reading Aaron's beginning.


"Too typical. Too plain." Ally decided, throwing the sheet in the trashcan.

In the magical land where Cece lived, she was happy frolicking with the fairies and wind dancers. Bright evergreen grass, turquoise water, shimmering with water elves.

Jay lived on the other side of the border, where it was dark, and stuffy. Fights and wars started there all the time.

One day, Cece went to the border, wondering what was beyond the tight iron bars. Was she trapped? Jay wondered this also, and he wandered over to the fence. They did not see each other, because most of the spaces in the wall was tight. But Jay fingered a board. Loose.

Cece found the board too. She pushed it, just as Jay did. Neither of them relented, and it was not until after a minute Jay saw a face, struggling to push away the board.

"I like it. Kind of." Ally finished scrawling the last sentence.

"I do too." Aaron agreed. He checked his phone. "I gotta go. It's getting late."


"See ya."

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