Penny Returns

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Penny Returns

Aaron let out a small gasp. Krista furrowed her brow.

"Yes, Mr. Aaron? Anything?" Aaron shook his head.

Ally felt rotten inside, like the world would collapse at any second. "So, the book... I think we'd still like to invest into it. I actuAlly have the money, but could you read over the manuscript and tell me how it is?"

"Ally, I hope you realize I'm not an editor, I can't fix your mistakes. You have to hire an editor, too... There's a lot that goes into—"

"Mom!" A familiar voice yelled. "I need some money to go get a smoothie from Jamba Juice!"

Krista sighed. "Come in, dear!"

"No, I don't think—" Aaron protested but Penny's copper hair shone as she came in. Penny smirked.

"Why are you losers here? I hope you know I've told Mom all about you two, and you'll never get a book published." Penny smacked her red lips.

"Be nice, Penny-dear," Krista admonished. But then she stopped. "You're the two kids that have been bullying Penny? Why would you bully such an angel? I think you should leave. I can't represent someone who doesn't respect my daughter. And I definitely don't represent bullies."

"But—" Aaron started, but Ally cut him off.

"Stop, Aaron." But then Ally smiled at Krista. "I hope you realize we're not bullies. You'll never get the real truth from Miss Red Lips over there, but we didn't bully her. Good luck with your business. I hope Penny-dear over there doesn't take it over, no one would come."

She sneered as she left, with Aaron taking the manuscript back and following her outside.

Ally's eyes watered. "I can't believe Penny told her that. We did nothing and now we can't even get our book published!"

"There are other publishers out there," Aaron soothed.

"But I'm done! There aren't any publishers in the city left!"

"There's... Who was that, that she said, was it Angel Publishing? Or I did find another publisher, with reAlly good ratings. It's Linden Publishing, and it's just outside of town, maybe ten minutes away from downtown."

"ReAlly? Well, maybe you can call them this week and set up an appointment."

"Of course," Aaron said, kissing her cheek. Ally smiled and they headed back home.

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