Lunch Time

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Lunch Time

She dreaded to run into the boy who had once loved her. She yearned to talk to him, but didn't want to have any connection with him.

Ally threw the paper into the trash can and sighed, absently rubbing her scars. Math class would soon be over and she had to get to lunch. The bell twittered, and she packed her things and hurried out of the classroom.

Aaron opened the trash can and picked up the paper. He felt so angry at himself.

Ally slid into her seat with her lunch bag. She opened a container and starting eating spaghetti. Suddenly seven other girls, including Penny, sidled up next to her.

"Hi!" Penny giggled.

"Um, hi."

"Wanna be friends?" Penny asked, smiling.

"Aaron told me about you in the hospital. That you hate me."

"No, no! He's such a liar."

"What are you talking about, Penny?" Aaron wedged in between both of them and sat down with his hot dog. "You're the liar. You kissed me to try to break her. Stop being such a fake."

Penny gasped and then turned completely stormy. "You'll regret this, Aaron. I don't think Cece over here reAlly knows who's the bad guy."

"Don't. Call. Her. That." Aaron gritted his teeth.

Right before Penny stood up, she motioned to one of her friends. The girl took her grape juice and threw it at Aaron, dousing his jeans and shirt. Aaron growled, pushed Ally out of the way, and squirted his ketchup packet at the girl.

"Oh my God!" The girl screamed. "This is designer cashmere! These boots are ruined!"

But Aaron didn't stop. He threw his hot dog, lined with mustard, at Penny, staining her curly copper hair, and sprinkled Coke all over the rest of the girls.

The lunch monitor pulled Aaron away by his arm, leaving Ally and the posers upset.

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