Chapter 1; Divorce

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"I wanna divorce!" I could hear my father yelling at my mom through the thin walls of my room.

"Fine! I never loved your dumbass anyways!" I grabbed my pillow and squeezed it, trying to contain my tears. When I heard glass shattering, the tears began to run down my face. I heard more stuff being thrown across the room, occasionally something hitting my door. After what seemed like a lifetime, the noises stopped.

I thought it was safe to at least open the door so I climb off my bed and quietly step toward the bedroom door. I unlocked the door and cracked the door open just enough to see shattered picture frames all over the wall. Chairs were thrown over, one of the front windows were cracked where someone threw something at it.

The front door was open and both of my parent's cars were gone. I sighed and walked outside to my porch. I quickly walked back inside seeing that it was dark outside and locked the door. I looked around the destroyed living room and decided to clean it up before they get home.

I started by setting up the chairs where they belong which is in the kitchen. I swept up the glass that's all over the floor and placed the frames back up on the wall even thought the glass wasn't in them anymore. What seemed like an eternity of cleaning, the house looked some what normal. I didn't want to face my parents yet so I decided to go to sleep.


"JUST SIGN THE PAPERS DAMN IT!" I Heard someone shouting, grabbing my attention and waking me up. I looked out my window to see the sun was just barely raised in the sky.

"YOUR THE ONE WHO WANTED THIS DIVORCE SO SIGN IT!" I heard my dad shouting. "First of all, it takes 3 months to receive divorce papers, so how the hell did you get them in less than 24 hours?" My mom calmly asked. "I already had them made because I planned on divorcing you way before hand."

I could see my mothers heart crush by the way her eyes softened. "Give them to me.." she attempted to say but her voice cracked. My father handed the papers over to her as well as the ink pen. My mother's shaking hand grabbed the ink pen and signed the paper.

Right as she signed the paper, my father looked up and saw me staring at them in the hallway. He let out a sigh and looked back at my mom who had now signed the papers, officially making them divorced. "I want custody of the kids." My dad blurted out making my mom dart her eyes in his direction.

"Divorcing me is one thing but over my damn dead body will you ever take my kids." She said emphasizing the my. "Your kids? Their my kids too and the hell your getting custody. Your so dumb that you can't even keep a job." My dad said slightly raising his voice.

A little bit of anger started growing inside me when they began screaming at each other again. When my dad pushed my mother, that's where I drew the line.


I surprised both of my parents with my sudden outburst. Never once have I raised my voice at my parents, much less cussing around them or at them. "Ji Eun.." my father started but I immediately stopped him before he could say anything else.

"No. I don't want to hear the bullshit okay? All you two ever do is fight. Also, you all are never interested in my daily college life of my life in general...And yet you have the guts to lay your hand on my mother and mom you have the right to lay your hand on dad? I would rather be dead than to live with you all anymore.."

I went quite as the tears began rolling down my face. "Both of you get the fuck out." My parents stood there quietly before anyone said anything.  "But this is my house." My parents said in unison. "Then I'll fucking leave." I ran to my room and shut the door, locking it behind me.

I grabbed my school backpack and dumped my college supplies onto my bed. I walked to my dresser and packed a couple outfits as well as undergarments. I quickly changed my outfit into something warm since it was severely cold outside.

I grabbed my phone charger and threw it inside my bag. I grabbed a couple more things and shoved them inside my bag. I zipped my bag up and grabbed my phone. I walked to my door and unlocked it. As soon as it clicked over, my dad busted the door open and ran into my room.

I was shoved against the wall which quickly followed with a rough punch to the left eye. I scream in pain as my mom cried behind my father, begging him to leave me alone. I was able to push him back, enough to run out the door. I heard him yelling behind me and his footsteps running behind me.

I quickly bolted out the door and was able to run through the yard. "Don't you ever come back here again!" My father yelled as I jumped over the fence. I ran as fast as I could until I ended up in the middle of street in downtown Seoul. I decided to walk to my friends place until I found somewhere to stay.

But that required walking to the backstreets. I sighed heavily and began walking down the first one. I pulled out my phone to text my friend but it was dead. "Aish!" I threw my phone in my bag and continued walking down the dark street. I kept walking as I didn't know where my life was going.

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