Chapter 6; Breaking In

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The entire ride was silence except for the directions I gave him directions on how to get to my house. We parked about a block away. "My parents are home. Of course they are." I rolled my eyes and looked at Jeonguk. "So how are we gonna do this?" I asked him.

"What's the chances of your window being unlocked?" I shrugged my shoulders at him. "Probably slight to none." I told him. "Or we could just bullshit our way through." I told him. He tilted his head slightly confused. "What do you mean?" The closer we got to my house, the more scared I got.

"I'll knock on the door. They'll let me in and I'll go with them. I'll eventually go to my room and get my stuff and sneak out the window then we'll leave." I told him. "That's not really breaking into your house ding dong." He said and flicked my forehead. "No shit. You have a phone right?" I asked him.

He nodded and grabbed his phone. "What's your number?" He asked. I entered my number in his phone. "See that window?" I said pointing to a window on the side of the house. "Yeah."

"That's my window. Stand beside it and I'll text you when I'm fixing to leave. Or if something comes up I can message you." He nodded and moved toward my window. "I'll try to be quick." I walked to my front door and rung the door bell. I waited for a minute or two until my mother answered the door.

Her left eye was black and had sores on the corner of her lip. She looked like she had been crying before she answered the door. "Ji Eun!" She said and crashed into a bear hug. "Where's dad?" I asked. "He's in the shower." She replied as tears started rolling down her face.

"I'll be back okay?" I told her. She nodded slightly and I rushed into my room. I shut the door and locked it behind me. I quickly grabbed my duffle bag and started filling it up with my clothes. I grabbed my laptop and some of my hygiene supplies. I even packed 2 of shoes and shoved them into my bag.

I heard a knock on the door making me stop packing. I grabbed my back and zipped it up. "Just a minute! I'm changing clothes!" I shouted loudly. I opened up my window getting Jeonguk's attention. "Here take this." I whispered. He grabbed my bag and set it beside him.

"I'm gonna try to pack another backpack full so give me a couple more minutes." I told him. "Okay." I shut the window and went to open my door. I was face to face with my dad, and oh. Did I mention he's angry. Without me having time to react, he raised his fist and punched me in the eye. I fell back and hit my head on my bed frame.

I screamed loudly and began to cry. I wiped my face and looked at the blood on my hand. "Do you have any idea how much stress you have put me and your mother through!?" He screamed at me. "You don't even love mom so why care about her well being?" I retorted. I received a slap on the same side of my face making me yelp again.

"Honey please stop!" I heard my mom yell. "She deserves it! She ran away without telling us where she's going!" He yelled. Mom grabbed my dads arm and dragged him out of the room. I stood up and shut the door behind them locking it once again. I packed some more of my belongings and ran to the window.

I opened it up and handed Jeonguk my backpack. "Okay I'm coming out." I stuck my leg through the window and held onto the window frame for support. "Help me." I quickly told him. I stuck my other leg out the window, along with my head. "Use my shoulders." He told me. I quickly did as he said and grabbed onto his shoulders. He held my waist and picked me up.

He set me down and hanged me my book bag. "Okay let's go." I told him. He studied my face for a second before he grabbed my other bag. We began walking back to the sidewalk when my mom and dad walked out the front door. "Shit." I mumbled. "Ji Eun!" I heard mom shout at me. I locked eyes with my dad and I started to panic when he started running toward me. "Run!" I told Jeonguk.

We both fled quickly but my dad was still behind us. We could see the car if view but before I reached the car, my arm was grabbed quickly pulling me back. "No! Get off me!" I screamed. "Your in so much trouble when I get home!" He yelled at me. Next thing I know, his grip loosed.

Jeonguk punched him in the face, making him fall backwards. "Fucking touch her again!" He screamed at my dad. "Jeonguk lets go." I told me. We quickly rushed in the car and he sped off. "Thank you." I told him. "No problem." He said. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "Yeah I'm fine." I lied.

He nodded slightly and continued to drive to Cory's house. Once we were there, I noticed there was also another car in the parking lot. I curiously grabbed my stuff and walked up to the apartment. "Jeonguk, it's locked." I told him. "I didn't bring my key. Try knocking." I tried knocking and waited.

"Who is it!?" I heard Cory shout from behind the door. "It's me Cory!" I screamed. I heard the door click and eventually opened up. "What's up- what happened to your face??" He asked immediately changing the subject. "Let Jeonguk explain, I'm too damn tired and I need to unpack." I walked past Cory and say another face in the room.

"Oh. You must be Hongseob." I said. "Yes and you must be Ji Eun. Cory's been telling me about you." He said with a slight smile. "Really? Good things I hope." I said looking at Cory. "Excuse me. I need to unpack." I excused myself and walked to my bedroom. 

Bonnie & Clyde |Hong Cory|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें