Chapter 5; School Life

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Jeonguk walked me to my first class then he walked to his. "Hope he can find his way.." I mumbled to myself. I sat down and pulled out my note book and pen for my Intro to business class. "Welcome back students. Today we will be taking notes about how to use excel."

I sighed and began to write what the teacher told us to write. I felt my phone buzz so I pulled it out and snuck it under my notebook.

"How's school?"

"Don't act like you care Cory."

"I don't care. Just carrying on a conversation."

"Don't see why. We're not even gonna speak to each other after I leave."

"What if I don't let you leave?"

"Really? Cory stop texting me. I need to focus on my school work."

"Your such a goodie girl. Have you even done anything bad in your life?"

"No and I don't want to either."

"Better get used to it. Your living with a bad person."

"Just because I'm living with a bad person does not mean I'm going to do anything bad. I'm turning my phone off so I can pay attention. Bye Cory."

I quickly turned off my phone before I got in trouble and tossed it into my book bag. "That's it for today kids. Well use laptops tomorrow to practice using excel." The teacher dismissed us as I started packing up my stuff.

I stood up and started walking to my next class which was across the campus. I exited the building and followed the sidewalk to class. I heard a familiar laugh drawing me out of my thoughts. I look up to see Luna and my ex.

She had her arms wrapped around his and they was laughing very loudly. Luna looked up and accidentally her eyes locked with mine. I quickly look away and continued walking knowing I'm going to pass them. "Ji Eun!" I heard someone yell from behind me.

I turn around to see Jeonguk waving at me. I stopped and waiting for him to catch up. "What's wrong? You look upset." He asked really concerned. "Well the couple fixing to walk past me is my ex as of yesterday and my ex best friend who happened to be with my ex." I explained quietly enough so they wouldn't hear me.

"Play along." He said quickly. "What?" He grabbed my hand and intertwined his hand with mine. "W-what are you doing?" I panicked and tried to pull away. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Just trust me." He said quietly. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

I instantly blush and stared at his chest. "Hey look at me." I still didn't look up. I was beginning to shake. "Haven't you ever been in a relationship?"

"Really. I have an ex for nothing I guess." I rolled my eyes. "Virgin?" He questioned. "Yah!" I said then looked up to see his face really close to mine.

"Watch your mouth." I told him. He rubbed his nose against mine, his warm breath fanning my face. "Incase you forgot young lady, I'm a gangster. I've killed people. We don't have a filter when it comes to stuff like that." He explained. "Really now?" I question. I'm sure my face was beaming red and sweating from me blushing.

"Stop freaking out. Just playing a little revenge game is all." He said. "I know but still. I've known you less than 24 hours and your kind of up in my face right now." He chuckled lightly. "Plus if Cory sees this I'm sure he wouldn't be approving." I laughed nervously.

"Cory is heartless. He would not care. Trust me." He explained. "By the way, who was the third one with you all last night? Wasn't there three?" I asked out of curiosity. "He's the youngest. His name is Hongseob." I nodded slightly. "You know. I've just realized they've pasted already." Jeonguk said.

I quickly pulled away and felt my cheeks. "That was so messed up!" I screamed and began walking toward my class. "Hey! What class do you have next?" He asked while running to catch up with me. "Marketing." He smiled widely and hit my shoulder playfully. "Great! So do I!"

I glared at him making his smile disappear. "Do you not like me?" He asked then made a sad puppy face. "You know. I can't see you being a gangster at all. You don't act like it at all." He shrugged his shoulders and put his hands in his pants pocket. "You'd be surprised how much I change when I'm in my gangster mode. I don't even act the same."

"I'll believe once I see it." He chuckled again making me look at him. "Maybe one day you'll get to see." He suggested. "I don't think so. Seeing you all shooting one person was enough to last a life time. Oh by the way, I have a favor to ask. I trust you more then Cory so after school, I need to sneak into my house and grab some more of my belongings without my parents seeing me."

"Yeah I'll help." I smiled slightly. "Thank you." We finally reached our class but we sat on opposite ends of the room. Every now and then, I would catch Jeonguk looking toward me. I rolled my eyes at him and continued to write my notes down. Luckily I only had 2 classes a day. College is so much better than high school.

Finally, the class ended. I stood up and packed my belongings. "You ready?" I jumped and turned around to see Jeonguk standing behind me. "Yeah." We walked out together and I followed him to his car. His car was Dodge Charger and just by looking at it, I can tell it's expensive.

"Do you even have a job?" I asked. "When your a gangster, you can't have a job." He laughed loudly. "Then where in the world do you and Cory get your money? You both have really nice and expensive things." I asked confusedly. "You wouldn't like it if I told you." He said and got into the car.

I quickly followed him into the car. "Ready to break into your house?" He smirked. "Let's do it."

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