Chapter 15; Practice makes perfection

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A few hours had went by and I'm now shooting with a AR-15. Shooting guns was actually fun and not that scary. I ran out of bullets so I turn the safety on and set the gun down in the box.

"Alright. Let's go." Cory said plainly. We all locked everything up and left the building. This time I immediately went to the back of the car and sat in Hongseob's lap this time. "Sorry.." I mumbled.

"Your fine really. Don't worry about it." He assured me. Cory turned around to face us in the backseat. "You didn't want to sit in my lap? That's a shame." And with that he turned back around.

I gave Jinhong instructions on how to get to my house but we parked in the same spot as Jeonguk did last time. "I'm doing it." Cory replied blankly. My eyes widened and I shook my head frantically.

"Changsun come with me please." I begged. Cory cleared his throat and pulled my arm making me walk with him. "Good luck!" Jeonguk yelled at me. I smiled back and continued walking with Cory.

"Ight so here's the plan. We walk up, I say I found you. I ask for the money and leave. I'm gonna go back to the car and wait for you. Jump out your window or something." I nodded my head showing I was listening.

"That's my house." I pointed out my house to him. "Ready." I nodded again and he knocked on the door. A couple minutes went by and shuffled feet was heard by the door.

The door opened to reveal my dad. "Ji Eun!" Dad yelled and yanked me inside. "Uh hi. I'm Cory." He shook my dads hand and followed us inside. "I found your daughter not too far from town. She fit the description on the radio so here we are." Cory lied, way to well.

"Ah yes! Let me go get my wife and we can run to the bank real quick and get your money." Cory nodded slightly. My dad rushed upstairs to go get my mom. A couple minutes went by and they came running downstairs.

"Ji Eun!" My mother yelled and collided into me for a hug. She let go and followed my dad out the front door. I heard their car start and then they drove off. "Nice house." Cory retorted.

I glared at him and walked into the kitchen. "Thirsty?" I asked him. "Yeah. For you." He replied. I choked on my saliva and started gasping for air. "I'm fucking playing. Jeez." He grabbed the bottle of coke out of my hands and walked back into the living room.

"I wanna see your room." Cory replied. "No." But I turned my head to see he was already heading upstairs. "Cory!" I rushed upstairs but by now, he was already in full sprint up the stairs. He saw a sign on my door saying "Ji Eun's room! Stay out!" And he bolted into the room.

I ran into my room way too fast and collided into Cory. But what was strange is he already had his arms out. It's like he knew I would be running into his arms, literally.

I gasped loudly as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't want to look at his face so I kept my face hidden in his chest. "Your rooms cute." He replied.

He let go of me and started walking around my room. "Since were already here, I'm packing some more clothes." He nodded slightly and sat down on my bed. I grabbed the duffel bag I had hidden under my bed that I would use to sneak out with June.

I quickly went to my closet and started pulling clothes off the rack. I tossed them on my bed beside the duffel bag and continued searching for clothes in my dresser. I grabbed a couple leggings and a pair of joggers.

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