Chapter 21; Work

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Next day

"Yah! Hurry up so we can go work out!" Cory yelled through the bathroom door.

"Bitch I'll take my time as I please!" I finished brushing my teeth and walked to the living room, where Cory was waiting by the door. "Ready?" He sighed.

"Oh wait. I left my change of clothes in the room." I quickly rushed back to the bedroom and grabbed my duffle bag then followed Cory to the car. I threw my back into the backseat and got up front.

"Jeonguk, Changsun and Hongseob are meeting us there later. Some of the others might show up too." I nodded and turned on his radio.

"What do you think your doing?" He asked me as I flipped through the stations. "Looking for something good to listen to." He nodded and focused on driving.

I landed on a station when a particular song played. "OH MY GOD! CORY YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO THIS SONG!" I squealed making him jump.

"Nuilliriya ongheya eolssu eolssu, son nopi heundeureo.." I sung loud and proud. Cory looked at me as if I was insane. "Oh my god you don't know this song!?" He slightly shook his head no making me sigh.

"It's Oneus!" I exclaimed. "One who?" He asked immediately asked. (Stan oneus) 

I sighed loudly and continued to jam out to their song Lit. Before I knew it, we pulled up to the gym. "I'll let you do your own thing today. As long as you work out I don't care what you do."

I nodded and climbed out of his car. He unlocked the doors and we both entered the building. I set my bag down and immediately started working with the punching back.

I watch Cory go to the benches to lift some weights but immediately focused back to the bag. After I thought I did enough with the punching bags. I moved to the dumb bells.

After what seemed like an while, which was only 2 hours, I stopped working out. I whipped the sweat off my forehead and looked at Cory who was still working out.

"I'm going to take a shower. I'm finished." He nodded and continued running on the treadmill. I grabbed my bag and immediately headed for the showers, making sure the door was shut behind me.

I turn on the water and let it get hot. I slowly stripped out of my clothing and tossed them in the floor. I stepped into the shower and let the water run over my body.

I messaged my sore muscles letting out a long sigh. I pulled out my body wash out of the duffel bag I brought and lathered my body with it.

Suddenly, a hand slipped around my waist making me flinch. "Relax. It's just me." Cory replied.  My muscles stayed tense as his other hand wrapped around my waist.

"How are you feeling?" Cory asked me. "I'm sore." I replied and turned turned my head to face him, although the steam was making it difficult.

"Where?" He asked." I pointed to my right shoulder and sighed. "You overdid yourself today." He raised his hand and began to message my shoulder.

I let out a small moan as he rubbed my shoulder muscles. He bent down and placed a kiss on my neck. "What are you doing?" He just hummed into my neck.

Bonnie & Clyde |Hong Cory|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora