Chapter 16; Night one

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We pulled up to the apartment and climbed out of the car. "Is it Mr. Lee's gang?" Hongseob asked Jeonguk. Jeonguk nodded and looked at Cory.

"He said that they ran into each other and had a shoot out. Luckily Kisu, Daeil, Kiyong and Hui weren't hurt." I perked my ears at the names Daeil and Hui.

"Who are they?" I asked out of curiosity. "Their new. They joined not too long ago. Around the same time you showed up actually." Changsun explained.

"So in total, there's 9 of you?" Cory shook his head no. I raised an eye brow and looked at him. "There's is p." He replied. 10? Who's the tenth member? I must've been thinking to hard causing Cory to notice.

"You." Cory simply said. "Oh. Yeah right." Cory chuckled and let us into the apartment. "Get some rest. We're leaving tonight." I nodded slightly and walked to the couch.

"Go sleep in your room!" Cory scolded. "Kiss my ass." I replied. I curled up into a ball and laid my head on the armrest. "Here." Jeonguk placed the blanket that sits on the couch over my lower half.

"Awe." Jinhong cooed. I heard Cory scoff from the kitchen and the fridge slam shut. "Yah! I'm trying to sleep!" Jeonguk walked into the kitchen along with Hongseob, Jinhong and Changsun.

"Bro we're gonna leave. Go home and get ready for this shit. Bye Ji Eun!" Jeonguk yelled. I waved at him and watched them leave. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.

<<Time Skip>>

I felt a shake on my shoulder. "Ji Eun. Get up." I groaned and turned to face the back of the couch. Cory sighed behind me. He pinched my back instantly making me flinch.

"What the hell Cory!" He ripped the cover off of me and yanked me up. "Get up! The boys are already on their way over." I pushed him out of the way and headed to my room and got ready.

I went to shut my door but Cory put his foot in the door. I opened it back up to see Cory leaning against the door. "What?" I asked. "Wear all black."

"Black? Really?" I laughed loudly and turned around to my dresser. "Skinny jeans? Sweatpants?" I asked knowing he was still in the doorway. "I don't care. As long as it is black and not shiny."

I nodded and pulled out a pair of black leggings. "Those work. Also, bring a hoodie. It'll be chilly out tonight." I nodded and walked to Cory.

"What?" he asked. I pushed him outside the door and shut the door, making sure to lock it. "Your welcome!" he screamed through the door. I quickly got dressed and threw on my leather jacket.

I slipped my boots on and threw my hair up into a pony tail. I heard the doorbell and feet shuffling toward my door. The door opened revealing Jeonguk and Hongseob.

"Ready?" I nodded and followed them out of my room. I walked into the kitchen and seen all the boys inside the living room. I noticed the three faces I haven't met yet. I waved at them and they smiled back.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. Cory finally walked out his room and came into the kitchen. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a black hoodie. He locked eyes with me and scanned my outfit.

"Looks good." He simply said then moved into the living room. I sat down on the barstool and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my newsfeed but stopped when a message popped up on my screen.

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