Chapter 8; Training day

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Okay first off! I am so so sorry i have been away for so long. I'm a senior in high school and Finals have been kicking my ass and graduation is in 2 weeks so I haven't really had time to update much. But I'm back so enjoy❤️❤️

"Yah! Get up!"

I slowly begin to open my eyes when a pillow met with my face. I hold my nose and groan in pain. "What the hell!!" Cory-"

I look up at Jeonguk standing over my bed. "Get up!"

I roll over and cover my head up with a pillow but was immediately removed. He pulled the covers off and shook me violently. "I won't tell you again! Get up."

"What time is it anyways?" I roll over and seen it was still dark outside. I slowly sit up and look at the clock on the nightstand which read '5:33 A.M.'

"Jeonguk..what the hell are you doing in my room at 5:33 am?" He slowly began walking toward the door before stopping and turning toward me.

"I'm training you today remember? Hurry and get dressed. I'll make us something to eat." I nodded before he left.

I closed my eyes again and covered myself back up. I got a couple minutes of sleep before I hear Jeonguk pounding on my door.

"I'm up! I'm up! Aish." I groan and slowly make my way toward the dresser.

I put on some leggings and a Nike short sleeve t shirt. I slipped on a pair of black and white converse and threw my hair up in a pony tail. I lazily made my way toward the kitchen and my nose was filled with the scent of bacon.

"Morning." I heard from behind me. I turned around and immediately ran into a chest.

"You know that's the second time you've done that right?" I look up to face Cory. His hair was messy and once again, was shirtless.

"You know it's the second time I've seen you without a shirt right?" I retorted back. He bent down, his face only a couple inches from mine.

"You know I live here?" He tilted his head to the side and pouted. "Right?" He smirked and walked toward the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Jerk." I murmured under my breath. I walked to the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen island. A couple minutes I heard a knock on the door. "It's open!" Cory yelled.

I expected Hongseob to walk in but this man was different. He was tall but slim. His hair was almost the same color as Cory's, a silverish blue.

"Oh. You must be Ji Eun! I'm Jinhong. Pleasure to meet you." He introduced himself. 

He has such a baby face. I don't understand how he could be a gangster. Usually gangsters would be covered in tattoos, or muscular. This guy just looks, normal.

"Hi." Was all I said before turning back around. "She's shy. Isn't that right Ji eun?" Jeonguk said before making a pouty face. "Fuck You."

He chuckled before flipping over a slice of bacon. "Cory can we talk?" Jinhong asked him. Cory nodded and signaled him to the living room where they could talk in private leaving me and Jeonguk.

"Where are we going to train?" I asked Jeonguk. He didn't answer. He continued cooking until it was done. He laid out a plate of bacon, scrambled eggs and toast.

"Guys come eat!" Cory and Jinhong stopped talking and came to the kitchen island and began eating. "You never did answer me." I said chewing my food.

"There's a gym we all go to. It's downtown. It's only for us to use so we'll be in private." I nodded and proceeded to eat my breakfast.

I hurriedly ate my breakfast and walked into the living room. I eyed it carefully being my first time fully inside this room. "Ji eun! Time to go!" I heard Jeonguk yell.

I walked to the door to see Jinhong, Cory and Jeonguk standing by the door. "Are you going too?" I asked Cory. He smirked and walked out the door with Jinhong closely behind.

"Ladies first.." Jeonguk said with a slight smile. I return the smile and walk out the door. I quickly walk down the stairs to his apartment complex. I see Cory and Jinhong climbing into Cory's car.

Jeonguk climbed into the passenger seat and I was stuck in the back with Jinhong. We quickly put on our seatbelts and Cory started to drive to the gym.

I put in my headphones and began to play Bring me the horizon. I closed my eyes and leaned against the door. "Yo. Wake up." I felt a hand shake my forearm. I slowly open my eyes to see Jinhong's hand. "We're here."

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