Chapter 2; Shadow

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"Baby I wanna give you my heart.." I sung to myself hopping to release my tension from being alone in the dark. I turned around the corner and could see my friends apartment in view. I let out a sigh of relief and quickly rushed up the stairs to her apartment.

I knocked on her door and waited. I heard some movement then the door unlocked. "Ji eun.." She said quite suspiciously. "Luna can I please crash here tonight?" I begged. She looked kind of hesitant but shook her head softly. "I'm sorry but you can't tonight." My heart broke into a million pieces.

"Please. I really have no where to go." I begged her again. "I'm sorry Ji eun but you can't tonight." She repeated again. I deeply sighed and nodded. "Don't be surprised if I'm dead in the morning." And with that, I turned my back and left Luna standing in the door way, but noticed a car in the parking lot below.

I rushed back upstairs and beat on her door. "LUNA! OPEN UP RIGHT NOW!" I screamed. Immediately, she opened the door but I pushed past her. My boyfriend, well now ex boyfriend, was in his boxers. I noticed Luna's clothes was all over the floor. "June how could you?" I asked.

"Well, I was getting bored. You would never let us try anything." He said plainly. My heart broke into a million pieces. "And Luna how could you? I thought you was my friends? But now all I see is you being a backstabbing bitch." And with that I left, once again.

"WHY!?" I screamed as I walked back the way I came. Tears stained my face and my cheeks were swollen. I picked a small valley to lay low in out of the wind. I sat down to gather my thoughts. I heard a small scream that sounded like a man. I was curious but I decided not to go. "No Ji eun. Your always getting yourself into bad situations." I kept repeating to myself.

I heard the scream again but this time it was 2x louder. "God damn it." I got up and followed where the screams were coming from. I peeked around the corner and saw three guys beating up another man. He was much littler than the other three.

"Please! I'll give you your money back! Just please give me time!" He begged but one of the men hit him upset the head earning another cry from the man. Within seconds, one of the men pulled out a gun and shot the man in the head. I yelped out loud and quickly regretted my decision. I covered my mouth and ducked around the corner.

"Who's there?" One of the men screamed. His voice was soft but masculine. His pronunciation kind of sounded foreign. "I said who's there?!" He said loudly. I decided to make a run for it. I made it to the end of the alley before I saw the man come around the corner of the alley. I saw light coming from a 24 hour coffee shop so I decided to duck there.

I quickly entered the store and found a table. I quickly tried to catch my breathe as the waitress walked over to my table. "Hello sweet heart. What can I get for you today?" She politely asked. "I'll have a small coffee. 3 cream and 2 sugars please." She scribbled my order into a piece of paper and nodded.

She walked away to make my coffee. As soon as she walked to the back, three men walked in, but these guys looked different. They didn't have hats on and their clothes looked normal. They found a table across the cafe and sat down. The lady quickly came back and took their orders.

But one voice stood out. The soft but masculine voice. "No fucking way." I mumbled to myself. "I'll have a Carmel Frappe please." The man said politely.  The man had silver hair. It looked blue but faded into silver. I studied his facial features and body mass. He was very wide and muscular. He had a sharp jawline and has very beautiful eyes.

"No way this is the same dude." I thought to myself. "Here's your coffee miss." The lady said. "Thank you so much." I took the coffee from her and took a sip of it. "Excuse me miss." The lady walked back over to my table. "Yes ma'am?"

"Do you happen to have a plug in anywheres? My phone is dead and I need to charge it for a few minutes." I asked her. "Yes right behind the counter." I handed her my phone and charger. "Thank you so much. This is a big help." I sighed in relief. "No problem." She walked to the counter and plugged up my phone.

"Hello there.." I heard the voice next to me. I turn to my left and face the man. "H-hello." I stuttered. "You  fucking idiot. Your going to give yourself away." He smiled slightly and held out his hand. "I'm Cory. You looked a little lonely so I figured I'd come say hello." He said politely. I hesitantly shook his hand and smiled. "I'm Ji eun. Thanks." He released my hand and sat across from me.

"You look rough. No offense." He chuckled. "I feel even worse." I laughed nervously. I Squeezed my wrist tightly from my nervousness. "So what brings you out late at night?" He suddenly asked. "Oh.. Um.. Well.. Nothing is going my way so here I am." I confessed just enough so I didn't spoil my whole story.

"That's a shame." He sighed. "Yeah. What about you?" I asked. "Well me and my friends decided to hang out for a little bit. You know, boy things." He smirked. "Oh." I said before taking another drink of my coffee.

*ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding*

"My phone must have turned on. I got up and got my phone and unplugged it from the wall. I walked back to my seat and scrolled through my notifications.

*37 missed calls*
*237 text messages*
*7 voicemails*

I sighed deeply and turned my phone back off. "Everything okay?" He asked. "Yeah. Um.. I'm sorry I have to go." I left money at the table and grabbed my backpack and quickly left. I heard the door open behind me. "Ji eun!" Cory yelled.

"Listen. I don't have time right now. I'm practically homeless. I was just cheated on then turned around and saw a man get shot in the face-." I quickly stopped myself when I saw Cory's expression changed from worried to dark. "So it was you?" He said darkly.

I took a step back but hit the chest of one of the men. "Listen. I'm not gonna tell anyone. I can guarantee that.  I don't even have anyone left in my life now.." I quietly said. "How can I know I trust you?" He asked simply. "Hell if I know." I quickly said. He seemed to be thinking deeply. "How about this. You said your homeless. Am I correct?" He asked.

I simply nodded my head and waited  to see what he says. "Move in with me for the time being. This I will be able to gain your trust." He said. "Fuck it. I have nothing else to lose anyways except my life." I said.

"Excellent. Let's get going shall we?"



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