Chapter 14; Shoot out

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"GOOD MORNING!" I heard Jinhong yell from the living room. I groaned loudly and rolled over only to headbutt someone. "What the hell.."

I slowly opened my eyes to lock eyes with Cory. I screamed and moved back. I kept backing up and fell into the floor. "Ow.." I whined and held my forehead. "What the fuck did you do?"

He sighed and got up from the bed. He was shirtless and had nothing but his boxers on. I blushed instantly and looked Away. "I didn't do anything. I didn't feel like sleeping in my room so I slept in here." He explained.

The bedroom door busted open and Jeonguk walked in. Hongseob and Jinhong were hot on his tail. "What the fuck happened??" Jeonguk yelled.

"I accidentally fell asleep in here thinking it was my room." Cory explained. Jeonguk wasn't buying it. He put his hand on his hip and glared at Cory. "I'm telling the fucking truth." Cory growled loudly.

"Your morning wood says otherwise." Hongseob added. Cory groaned and pushed in between Hongseob and Jinhong. I sighed deeply and covered my face with my hands.

"Come on. Get dressed. We're taking you to the shooting range then doing the plan with your parents." I slowly stood up, using my bed for support. "We'll leave you to get dressed." I nodded slightly and locked the door behind them.

I slipped out of my clothes and out threw on some Nike joggers. I slipped on a Nike crop top that matched with the joggers. I brushed through my hair and slipped on my Nike shoes.

I grabbed my phone and opened the door. I rushed to the bathroom and did what I needed to do. I looked on the sink to see a pack of cigarettes. "No fucking way." I grabbed the pack of cigarettes and grabbed the lighter and rushed to the living room.

"I'm going outside. To get some fresh air." I lied. I rushed outside before anyone could say something. I quickly rushed down the stairs to the front of the apartment complex and lit the cigarette. "God. It's been way to long." I said to myself.

"What the hell are you doing?" I jumped at the voice and turned around to face Cory. "Fuck you scared the hell out of me." He grabbed the cigarettes out of my hand along with the lighter.

"I didn't know you smoked." He replied. I eyed him as he grabbed one out of the pack and lit it up. "Actually I used to. I stopped for a good year but I saw the pack and couldn't resist myself.

He chuckled slightly and blew out the smoke he was holding in his lungs. "Alright love birds. Time to go." Jinhong said. I sighed and put out the cigarette.

I followed Jinhong to his car and ran to the passenger seat. "Mine bitch!" Cory ran after me but I climbed into the seat before he could. "Get the hell out of my seat." He threatened. "No bitch." I narrowed my eyes at him as he glared me down.

"Fine then." He climbed into the seat, pushing me to the side. Cory shut the car door, pushing us even closer. "Cory.." I growled. I got up and started to crawl into the backseat but Cory grabbed my waist and pulled me into his lap.

I didn't even try fighting back, scared he might do something sexual again. Jinhong started the car and started driving to the gun range.

I started getting uncomfortable and stared moving around, trying to find a more comfortable position. "Cory lean your seat back." He groaned but still leaned his seat back anyways.

I leaned into his chest, the pressure on my back finally relieved. "Thanks." I mumbled into his shirt. "We're here." Jinhong replied. I opened the door and quickly got out of the car.

I followed Jinhong into the building. Once everyone was in the building, Jeonguk turned around and locked us inside. "Why'd you lock us inside?" I asked.

"Guns are illegal remember?" Jinhong asked. I nodded slightly and followed him to a chest that was on the ground. Jeonguk unlocked it and flipped the lid to reveal a shit ton of guns.

"Holy fucking shit!" I yelled. I heard a lighter flick beside me and saw Cory had lit another cigarette. "How come I've never seen you smoke and I've been here close to a week?" I asked.

"Same to you." He replied. I scoffed and watched Jinhong load his gun. He immediately aimed his gun at the target that was across the building. He pulled the trigger, and the loud bang caused me to flinch.

He rapidly shot at the target, hitting bullseye every time. I watched his hand trying to pick up how he's shooting so good. I heard another gunshot to my left and saw Cory was now shooting. I watched him as well. I walked over to him and pulled the cigarettes out of his back pocket.

I lit one up and shoved them back in his pocket, but it didn't phase him at all. He kept shooting, also hitting bullseye with every shot. "Alright Ji Eun. It's your turn. I'm starting you off on a pistol." Jeonguk replied.

I watched him push the clip into the gun and he handed it to me. "I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm gonna shoot myself." I sighed and walked up to the gun range and raised the gun up and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened so I put down the gun and looked at Jeonguk.

"You forgot to cock it back. Here." He walked up behind me and raised my arms up. "Both hands on the handle like this..." He moved my hands to place them on the handle of the gun. "Now you use your thumb like this to pull the cock back."

He guided my hand to the cock and helped me pull it back. "Now line this line up with this bead and pull the trigger." He stepped away long enough until I pulled the trigger. I barley missed he bullseye.

"Your doing good! A couple more tries and you'll have it down. After you do that, well move you to something bigger."

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