Chapter 20; Changes Pt 3

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A couple hours went by and finally we were done with my hair. "Ready to look?" I shook my head no and Daeil chuckled. "You look good. Seriously!" He kept encouraging me to look at the mirror until I finally stepped up.

I look at the mirror and my jaw dropped. I tried to say something but I was at loss for words. "Woah." Daeil chuckled and fixed my hair as I looked in the mirror. We heard the front door open and close.

"Cory must be back." We both left the bathroom and I followed Daeil into the kitchen to see Cory setting his car keys down on the counter. "Hey.." I mumbled.

"Hey-" He stopped talking as soon as he saw me. "So? Good enough?" He nodded his head but still didn't say anything. "Welp, imma head home." Daeil replied.

"Yeah I am too." Kisu added on. I gave them both hugs for helping me out and walked them out. I locked the door once they have left and turner back to Cory who was still looking at.

"What?" He smiled lightly and walked around the island. He slid off his shirt and threw it on a chair. "W-What are you doing?" I asked as soon as he started walking toward me.

"Nothing. Just hot from the workout." He replied smoothly. "You look good. Like real good." He kept waking toward me, never taking his eyes off me. Before he was up on me, I raised up my hand and put it on his chest.

"Can we talk?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed my hand, leading me into the living room where we both sat down. "Talk." He immediately said.

"Okay so about last night, does that make us a thing or not. Because I'm honestly so confused. I know where my feelings are but I don't know where yours is." I played with my thumbs waiting for him to say something.

"Ji Eun." I stayed looking at my hands waiting for him to speak up but he never did. "Look at me." I still didn't look up at him. The cushions moved and as soon as looked up, his lips connected to mine.

I immediately kissed him back and raised my hand up to his cheek. He planted a quick kiss on my forehead and pulled away slightly.

"Listen, I like you like a lot. But my problem is, we're in a gang. There won't be times for dates or romantic gestures. We wouldn't be a normal couple." He opened his mouth again to speak but I cut him off with another kiss.

"Cory I know. That's okay with me. I was never one for romantic shit either." He smiled slightly and ruffled my hair. "So are we together?" I asked.

He nodded his head and pulled me into his lap. He leaned against the armrest and covered us up with the blanket on the couch. He turned on the tv and set down the remote.

We stayed like that for hours, just enjoying each other's company. His phone rung drawing our attentions to it. "I'm not answering it. If it's important they'll call again." And sure enough, it rung again.

"What the fuck!" Cory groaned and grabbed his phone. "It's Jeonguk." He answered the phone and put it to his ear. "Hello?" I heard mumbling from Jeonguk's side. I couldn't make out what he was saying since he was talking too fast.

"You called me just to tell me that?" Cory replied. He sighed and hung up the phone. "What's wrong?" I asked. He tossed his phone on the table and wrapped his arms around me.

"They added new people. We're up to 15 including you. Their coming by later to introduce themselves. He said they were In their own gang in Japan but they moved here." I nodded my head and yawned.

"Sleep. They'll be here in a couple hours." I nodded and leaned into Cory's chest. He pulled the cover up over my shoulders and kissed my forehead again. Before i knew it, I was out like a light.


The doorbell drew me from my nap. I looked up to see Cory was asleep as well. "Ugh....Cory. Wake up. Their here." He groaned and slowly opened his eyes. I moved a bit to let him up and laid back down.

Once, Cory unlocked the door, Jeonguk, Hongseob and 4 new faces walked in. Holy shit, two of them look so young. Jeonguk and Hongseob immediately spotted me laying on the couch.

"Ji eun?!" Jeonguk yelled. "What the hell happened to you?" Hongseob added on. I sighed and climbed off the couch. "I'm all over the news as a run away so I changed my appearance." I explained.

"Anyways. This is Seokjun, Byungho, Xiwoo, and Imchan." Jeonguk pointed to them. They all bowed slightly and smiled slightly.

"If I may ask, how old are you two?" I asked pointing to Xiwoo and Imchan. Before they could speak, Jeonguk spoke up.

"Their both 18." My jaw dropped instantly. No wonder they look so young! Their younger than me! "Holy shit!" Was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Anyways, we drove by the place on the way here and it's still covered with cops." Jeonguk explained. I felt someone touch my hair making me jump a little. I turn to face Hongseob, only seeming him still shook.

"What?" He laughed slightly and pulled my hair to the side. "Is that a hickie?" He said. My eyes widened and I immediately looked to Cory to see him looking back at me.

"No! I just hurt myself fighting that's all!" I quickly lied. He raised an eyebrow but nodded anyways. I mentally sighed in relief and walked to the kitchen.

"Cory I'm hungry." I whined while I scanned the fridge. "That's not the only thing she's hungry for.." Hongseob mumbled loud enough everyone could still hear.

"YAH! IT IS JUST A BRUISE! DROP IT!" He chuckled and patted my back. "I know I'm just messing with you. If you want, me and the boys can go gets some food for you all. I don't think it's okay for you to be going out for now." I smiled widely and nodded.

"Please! Imma text you some stuff I really want. Thank you!" He chuckled and nodded. "Then I guess we'll be back." I nodded and followed them to the door, locking it as they closed it behind them.

"Hong Cory I am going to fucking kill you!" I turned to see him already standing behind me, which made me jump again. He didn't say anything just smiling widely. He moved my hair to the side to examine the hickies.

"Dude. Was I that rough?" I shook my head no. "Are they bad??" He nodded and I immediately rushed to the bathroom mirror, with Cory following me. I moved my hair to see not one, but multiple hickies going down my neck. Not to mention they were huge.

"Cory!!" He laughed and moved beside me. "I'm sure they don't stop there." He replied only making me glare at him more. I pulled my shirt down enough to reveal my cleavage and sure enough, there were more of them.

"I can't believe you!" He pouted and backer hugged me. He kissed my neck and then smirked. "Want more to go with it?" I immediately smacked his arm roughly making him laugh loudly. "Aish. You are really something."

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