Chapter 22; Interfiere

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The drive home was pretty much silence other than me blurting out song lyrics. Cory shook his head and continued driving. "Your such a child."

My singing was cut off causing Cory to look at me. "What is it?" His eyes followed mine which led up to my mom and dad walking down the sidewalk. He reached his hand over and grabbed mine.

He rubbed the back of my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. "It'll all be okay within time. I know it probably hurts." I shook my head and looked up at him.

"I'm okay. I'm much happier now. I'm not stuck in my room crying anymore when they fought, or when dad would hit me. I'm just confused because he said he was divorcing her but yet they're still together." I leaned back in my seat and looked out of the window.

Then I noticed dad pointing at Cory's car, followed by him reaching for his phone. "Cory! I think he's calling the police." Cory looked in the rear view mirror and sighed. He shifted the gears and went faster.

He reached for his phone and dialed someone's phone number. I heard the phone ring for a couple of seconds and a voice I recognized answered.

"Hello.." Jeonguk answered. He was breathing pretty hard so I assume he's still at the gym.

"Hey, we just passed Ji Eun's parents and her father is calling the police." I heard Jeonguk rounding up the rest and heard the phone line beep. Cory put his phone down. I noticed he was doing 75 mph in a 45 mph zone.

I didn't say a word and kept my eye on the road. He quickly slammed on his breaks and he turned into a parking garage and raced up to the top. He parked the car and sent his location to Jeonguk.

"So what now?" I asked and put my feet up on the dash. Cory unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. I watched him as he walked over to the edge of the parking garage and looked out to the city.

I quickly undid my seat belt and walked over beside him. I sighed and admired the city's beauty. "I just wish I could disappear." I said and looked at Cory.

"Why do you say that?" He asked and turned to look back at the streets. I shrugged my shoulders and let out a big sigh.

"I'm just causing a big mess here. Maybe we need to leave. Go to a different country. For a couple a months and maybe everything will die down then. Get a new birth certificate, new name, new everything."

Cory grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. "We got this. Don't worry about a thing okay?" I nodded and hugged him back. "Hey love birds." I whipped my head around to see Jeonguk, Jinhong, Kisu and Hongseob.

"See anything?" Cory asked letting go of me. They all shook their head no. He nodded and walked toward Jeonguk's car along with the rest. I stayed in my spot and leaned over the side of the parking garage.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket causing me to divert my attention to it. I reached in my pocket and pulled it out to see a text from June again.

"Just saw you on the news, you've become a real hot topic lately."

I sighed deeply and texted him back.

"Not a word to anyone. Don't even know why their looking for me. I'm 21."

He immediately responded.

"Other than this, how've you been? Wish I could've been there for you.."

"Don't even say that shit. When I needed you the most, you stabbed me in the back. I don't even know why I'm talking to you right now. I have to go."

I locked my phone and slid it back in my pocket. I turn my head to see the boys all huddled around Jeonguk's car. I admired all of them. They all look so normal.

They're all so young and have a long life ahead of them. I'm worried they're gonna get hurt. They all looked over at me drawing me out of my thoughts. My face immediately went red and diverted my attention to look back in the streets.

My eyes went directly to 3 cop cars parked in the middle of the road. "Cory.." I said loud enough for him to hear. He hurried over to the side of the building and looked down to see the cops.

"Great. Now how are we gonna get out?" Hongseob mumbled. We noticed they were stopping cars that were driving by. "They're looking for me."

"Isn't there a back way out of here?" Jinhong said. I jogged over to the other side of the building and shook my head when I realized it was a one way entrance. "Damn it."

"I'm gonna call the rest of the boys. Have them meet us here and I'm sure we'll come up with something. Cory walked away from all of us to call whoever he was calling.

I stuck out my bottom lip and watched the cops scan car after car. I felt someone slap my arm causing me to yelp out. "What the fuck!" I whined.

"Stop sulking. You look ugly when your upset." Jeonguk said. I glared at him and walked up to him. I gave him a hard shove which made him lose his balance and fall right into Hongseob.

"Oh it's so on." Jeonguk said. I immediately took off running past Cory with Jeonguk right on my tail.

"Yah! What the hell are you two doing!" We both ignored him and continued our chase. Jinhong and Hongseob watched us chase each other. Cory hung up the phone and walked over to them and joined the watching crew.

I noticed a car that was high enough off the ground for me to slid under. I took off toward the car and slid right under it, causing Jeonguk to stop in his tracks. I watched his feet circle around the car.

Before I Knew it, he reached under the car and grabbed my leg. "Gotcha!" He pulled me out from under the car and threw me over his shoulders.

"Jeongukkk..." I whined earning a laugh from him. He carried me over to the rest of the boys and set me down. I wasted no time sitting down on the concrete trying to regain my breath.

I heard a couple of cars coming up the ramp to the parking garage. I noticed one of them as changsun's car while the other I didn't recognize. They parked the cars and out climbed Changsun, Kiyong, Daeil, Xiwoo, Imchan and Hui.

"So what's the plan?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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