Chapter 9; Training day pt2

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I watched Jeonguk leave the car and come to the side of the car I was at. He opened my door and let me out. I smiled slightly at him and followed Cory and Jinhong to the building.

Cory pulled out a key to unlock the padlock that was around the door handles. He then stuck the chain in his pocket and held the door opened for the rest of us.

The exercise room wasn't much. A weight rack was along one of the walls along with some ropes hanging up. A treadmill was to the left of me and a bench press to my right. A punching bag was in the center of the room.

"Some exercise room y'all have.." I mumbled causing Jinhong to laugh.

"Is she always this sarcastic?" He asked Cory. Cory sighed which was followed by a slight nod. "I think imma get along with her very nicely then." A small blush started to appear on my face causing me to look away.

"How much can you squat?" Cory asked me. I continued to stare at him because he was once again shirtless. "Yah. Eyes up here." I snapped out of it and locked eyes with him.

"I-ive never squatted before." He sighed deeply and started his own workouts. I felt a small pat on my back causing my head to whip around, colliding heads with Jeonguk.

"Aish! I'm so sorry!" I told him and rubbed his forehead. He chuckled slightly and grabbed my wrist, pulling me toward the punching bag.

"I'm gonna start you off on this. It'll build up your arm muscles then we can move you to the bench press." I nodded slightly, still confused on what I'm doing.

"Let me see your hand." Jeonguk finally said breaking the awkward silence. I held up both my hands but he smacked one of them away. "I said hand not hands."

He took some type of type like bandage and wrapped it around my knuckles. Once he was finished with that hand, he moved to the other one. 

"Okay now put these on." He handed me two boxing gloves. I did as he said and then he pushed me toward the punching bag. "I don't know what I'm doing." I finally said.

"Hit the fucking bag." Cory blurted out, more like wheezed out. I turn to my left and seen his back was all sweaty. He stopped running on the treadmill and turned to face me.

I couldn't help but notice how wet he was. Sweat was dripping down his jawline onto the floor. The light made his abs a lot brighter. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." He finally said then continued to run.

"Okay. Just punch the bag. That's all there is to it." Jeonguk said. I nodded slightly and started punching the bag. After what seemed like forever, Jeonguk stopped me. I looked at the clock on the wall to see only a couple minutes have past.

I deeply sighed and turned to face Jeonguk. "Okay. Try in a different stance. It might make it easier on you. Everyone is different though and has their own way of standing while punching the bag." I nodded slightly.

I heard his feet shuffle toward me then his hands on my waist, making me flinch. "Okay look forward." I did as he said and looked at the punching bag. I felt his left hand push on my hip a little bit.

"Your gonna wanna move your left hip to the front a little bit...just like that. Then your right hip." He did the same thing as my left hip. He then squatted down to where his face was by my upper thighs.

I blushed slightly but continued to hold my position and look forward. He grabbed my ankle and moved my left foot back with my left hip.

"Now try to hold in this position as much as you can. Move only your upper half while hitting the bag." I did as he said and surprisingly, it worked and my hits where much better. "See. Your a quick learner. A couple hours of you doing this and well do legs."

I kept doing as Jeonguk said and surprisingly within a couple hours, I was much better as well as exhausted. "Can we please stop now?" I begged. "We've been here for hours and I feel like I'm gonna pass out." I continued to whine.

"Oh my god you are such a weakling." Cory said walking toward me. "Change the tape on your hands. We're fixing to do something different, then we can go back to my place." I sighed deeply but did as he said.

When I turned around, I had seen Cory had boxer gloves on as well. "Um excuse me." I put my hands up and ran behind Jinhong. "What do you think your doing?" I laughed nervously.

"You've been hitting a bag for the past 4 hours. Let's see how you do against a person so, bring it." I put my hands up in protest.

"I do not think so. Me plus you. I don't think so." I complained. He sighed and swung at me anyways. I barley miss it but end up falling in front of Jinhong.

"What the hell Cory!" I screamed. He swung at me again but this time I was able to block it with the glove. "Ow.." He kept swinging and ended up hitting my rib cage. I flinch at the pain but swung back anyways.

Cory charged at me but I stuck my foot out and tripped him. I thought I won but his grip on my shirt said otherwise. I closed my eyes and waited for the fall. Once I fell, I opened my eyes to see I was sitting on top of Cory.

"So this is what you look like on top.. I like it." I hung my mouth open and punched his bare stomach. I raised up and threw the gloves off and walked outside, making sure to slam the door on the way out.

So I'm back!! I figured y'all were dying for some more updates but I have a job now and college so I'm trying to work around my schedule to update for you guys! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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