Chapter 2

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Chaper 2 is here! :)

Sophie's POV:

I got to my house and knocked on the door. My mum opened it and looked surprised.

"Sophie! Who are these people?" she asked.

"Mum, I kinda got lost and this is Blair, he found me and offered to take me home" I replied.

"Alright, and who is Blair sorry?" she wondered.

"I am Bars&Melody's etc, manager" he smiled.

"Ok, thank you for bring Sophie home, do you want to come in?"

"Err, be better get going actually" Joey said.

"No no no! You can stay over! You cannot go home in this weather! Come on then!" she giggled.

I jumped up and down and looked at Blair. He nodded. YIPPEEEE!! I'm having a sleep over with my idols!

"Ok but me and Overload have to get up early tomorrow. Have fun lads, behave yourselves!" he assured them.

"Okayy" they all chimed.

We all stepped inside as mum got us hot chocolate. I can't believe this is actually happening.

"I'll just run upstairs to get changed and grab some pillows and blankets. You make yourselves at home!" I yelped.

I skipped upstairs and got changed into my oversized Minnie Mouse t-shirt and my red spotty shorts. I threw my hair into a high pony tail and wrapped it into a bun. I then grabbed a load of pillows and duvets.

"Come on slow coach!" I head them all bellow.

I giggled and leapt down stairs. I walked into the living room, but nobody was there. I carefully placed the blankets and that on the floor and walked to the back of the room. Suddenly everyone jumped out from behind the sofa and I shrieked very loudly.

"Oh my god guys! You scared the bloody life out of me! That was funny though!" I laughed.

I placed the duvets on the floor as we all sat down. It was me and Leondre on the big sofa, Charlie on the little one,  and then Harvey on a mattress on the floor. Mum brought us in our hot chocolate and then went to bed. We all decided to go to sleep too because we were really tired, as well as it was 2.30am.

"Goodnight boys" I whispered.

"Nighty Nighty!"

Me and Leondre were top and tail. I was shivering even though we had a giant quilt over us. I could hear Charlie and Harvey snoring, lol.

"Are you cold Soph?" I heard Leo say.

"Kinda, yep." I replied.

"Do you want me to come up there, next to you?" he offered.

"If you like"

He got up and tiptoed over to me. He lifted the quilt up and climbed in beside me. He threw his arm over my waist and cuddled up to me. I grinned widely. I turned around.

"Thanks Leo. Love you." i said.

"Love you to Sophie. Now shh, go to sleep. See you in the morning." he yawned.

He sat up and kissed me on the head. I snuggled up to his chest and closed my eyes. god, how could he be this warm? I could smell his aftershave too. This was perfect... I think we will go swimming tomorrow.

Thanks y'all, mwah xo


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