Chapter 40

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Guys, there is only about 3 chapters left until I've finished! After this, maybe ill do a charlie or Harvey one? :)x

Sophies POV:

After we ate our pizza we just sat for a while and had a little chat. Leo had his arm around me and i felt quite comfortable. Until my phone rang in my back pocket. I reached down for it and pulled it out. I answered it. OH NO.

Leo's POV:

Sophie answered her phone. She looked really nervous. What's happened? She started stuttering. Tears began filling her eyes. I put my hand on her leg and whispered "Is everything okay?" she shook her head. I looked to Blair who shrugged. She broke down crying, screaming, tears streaming from her eyes, hands shaking. She jumped up from her seat and ran outside. I mouthed to Blair 'stay here' and I followed her outside.

Oooo! What's happened? Comment below what you think is going to happen!

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