Chapter 37

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Hi guys, I noticed throughout the story, I haven't mentioned Soph's mum or Leo's:D&Taylor or Blair haven't been in a lot of chapters latley, I'm trying to add them in:P

Sophies POV:

I woke up next to Leo. His eyes were shut and he was still sleeping. I reached for my phone and checked the time. 9.30am.

It's nearly Leondres birthday too! I don't even know what to get him! I stood up leaving Leo wrapped in blankets. I rang Taylor to see if she was awake.

Taylor: Hello babe! How's things?
Sophie: Great! How about you?
Taylor: Fab! What you up to today?
Sophie: I don't know really. You?
Taylor: Me too.
Sophie: Well maybe we could go bowling?
Taylor: Yeah! I'll ask Charlie when he wakes up.
Sophie: Oh my god! Leo is still asleep too! haha! ok, speak to you later.
Taylor: Alright, bye hun.

Bowling it is then! I skipped upstairs to get changed. I locked the door and opened the wardrobe. I chose out a pastel green crop top with my baby blue jeans. I just brushed my hair and put a blue bow in. I then quickly brushed my teeth and ran back downstairs.

Leo's POV:

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Sophie was gone, she must of went upstairs. I heard footsteps coming from outside. Sophie walked in looking really adorable.

"Oh! Morning sleepy head! Nice sleep?" she asked, and gave me a kiss.

"Yep! What are our plans for today then?" I wondered, checking my phone.

"Bowling with Tay&Charlie?" she smiled, packing her handbag with makeup.

"ooo very nice! And princess, you don't need all that makeup, your beautiful the way you are" I hugged her.

"Aw, thank you Leo. But I do. Go and get changed you monkey" she laughed. I placed my phone on the side and leapt upstairs.

Sophies POV:

Leo went to get ready as i was packing my bag. Suddenly his phone beeped. I looked over and grabbed it. Unknown number. I read it in my head.

"Why did you make a song about bullying? HA! You fat loser! Nobody likes you, go and kill yourself before I do"

Oh my god. Who are sending these? I'm going to hurt whoever did! I heard Leo coming so I deleted it fast as lightning and put it back.

"Ready to go?" he put his hands around my waist.

"errr... yep! forget about breakfast, we will get something there" I pecked his cheek and we set out.

these texts are really worrying me....

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