Chapter 4

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Hello, I'm in school right now and there is a giant swarm of bees! I'm terrified HELP!!

Charlie's POV:

Sophie and Leo rushed into the room laughing and screaming. Sophie had Leo's beanie in her hand so she must of stolen it. And I know Leondre hates it when somebody steals is hats.

Leo's POV:

Sophie stole my beanie. I didn't really care because she's really cute. I acted like I cared and wanted it back. I really didn't, she could keep it. I was chasing her around the room until I grabbed her arm and snatched the beanie off her. She stuck out her bottom lip.

"Gimme it back Leo! I wanna wear it!" she demanded.

I smiled and placed it on her head. She really suited beanies. She looked adorable with it on. We grabbed our things as Blair gave us a lift to the Swimming Baths. Apparently he reserved the whole building for us!

"Wait! I'm going to see if my best friend can come, Taylor?" Sophie asked.

"Sure! Hurry up though!" Blair said.

To: The Bae (Taylor)
From: Sophie

Hey chick! Wanna come swimming? Got a HUGE surprise when you get there! (Hint: your idols?) See ya! :)x

Sophie's POV:

I hopped out of the car and walked inside. I went into the 'Ladies Changing Rooms' and got changed into my floral frilly bikini. I strolled outside to the pool and saw Leo, Charlie and Harvey on the sun lounges. They all started staring at me.

"Got a problem?" I asked.

"Um no. I just li like your bikini" Leo stuttered.

"Hmm ok whatever"


Promise ~Leondre Devries~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora