Chapter 39

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while:

Sophies POV:


Leo slipped and fell on the floor. We all burst out laughing hysterically. "Leo! Have u hurt yourself?" I giggled, reaching out my hand to pull him up.

"Nah, just my bum!" he laughed, rubbing his bum. I put my arm around him and sat down on the bench. Next was Charlie, he knocked down 9 and then knocked the last one down. MY TURN!

I picked up a XS ball because I don't like the heavy ones hehe. I rolled the ball down the ally and GOT A STRIKE! I spun around and jumped up and down.

"Ha! in your faces! I got a strike!" I cheered. I skipped up to Leondre and he picked me up and twirled me around. I felt quite proud haha!

When the game had finished it was Taylor who won, I'm glad haha. We were all starving so headed to pizza hut over the road, me and Leo hand in hand.

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