Chapter 21

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Sophie's POV:

Guess who it was? Bars and Melody were standing on stage waving to the crowd. They made eye contact with us and winked. Me and Taylor began screaming and jumping up and down.

"OMG!! BOYS!" we shrieked.

Everybody was shouting and waving, going mad.

"We want two people that we are very close too, to sing this with us" Charlie announced.

All the girls were going crazy!

"And that's going to be, Sophie Smith and her bestfriend Taylor!" Leo said.

We smiled and ran up the stage. Everybody was confused and looked puzzled. Leo threw his arm over my shoulder.

"Everyone, this is my girlfriend Sophie!" Leo introduced me, but I'm sure everybody knew me, I've been in this school since year 7. I blushed as all the people's jaw dropped.

"And this is my girlfriend Taylor. Sorry girls, we are taken!" Charlie laughed. Some girls were crying and some were just screaming.

"Let's go bambinos!" They started singing. Me and Taylor joined in, with our terrible voices lol.

Leo's POV:

We finished the song and the audience went wild. Sophie's voice is amazing, she should definitely sing more! We walked off stage and had a little chat.

"Sophie, you have an incredible voice, why didn't you tell me?" I asked, she was blushing like hell.

"Umm.. thanks. I don't know Leo haha" she giggled, she's so cute when she gets shy.

"Alright, shall we head home?" I took her hand.

"Yeah, we could go to mine and hang out in the garden?" I suggested, because it was such a sunny day.

"Yeah! That would be fun" Charlie chuckled.

"Alright, let's gooo" Taylor said.

Maybe we could have a water fight? I'll ask Sophie, it would be sooo funny!

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