Chapter 3

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Hello peeps, I hope your enjoying the story up to now! Please vote, Hopeful is out tomorrow!! :D

-Sophie xox

Leo's POV:

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I noticed that nobody was in the room, so I jumped off the couch and walked into the kitchen to find them scoffing their faces with breakfast.

"Pancakes without me eh?" I laughed.

"Sorry Leo, you looked so cute sleeping, we didn't wanna wake you" Sophie smiled.

God, she's so cute in the mornings. I strolled over to the table and sat next to her, then next to me was Harv and then Charlie.

"Mmm, these are delicious, thank you Miss Smith" I thanked Sophie's Mum.

"Your welcome Leondre, right you better go and get changed if your going on a trip out! Leo, you can go in Sophie's on suite bathroom, Charlie you can go in mine, and Harvey go in the bathroom down here. Sophie will go and get ready when one of you come out" she told them.

"Great, thank you" we all said.

I can't wait for today!

Charlie's POV:

I ran upstairs and found Sophie's Mum's bedroom. I went into the bathroom and threw on a plain grey tee, black skinny jeans and my grey high topsafters some aftershave

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