Chapter 18

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I won't be updating today! Maybe tonight, idk.
-Soph x

Sophie's POV:

Suddenly I rolled off the sofa. I jumped up and looked behind the couch. Who would've known, Leo. He looked up and laughed.

"Good morning princess" he said.

"Good morning, thanks for pushing me off the sofa, I was having a really nice sleep" I complained.

"Sorry, thought it was funny though!" he giggled.

"Shut up! I'm going into the bedroom to get changed. Where are they all?" I asked.

"Gone the shops" he told me while he switched the tv on.

I went into the bedroom and opened up the suitcase. It was a nice day so I got out my denim dress and my navy converse. I brushed back my hair into a high ponytail and wrapped a ribbon around it, then tied it in a bow.

"Soph! Are you ready?" Leondre shouted.

"Yes! Hang on!" I shouted back, trying to put on my lipgloss.

I put my thinks into my handbag and walked into the kitchen. Leo was making toast. I sneaked up behind him and grabbed a slice, which was half buttered, but I don't care!

I popped it in my mouth and ran into the living check twitter!

@BarsandMelody: Bowlinggg! -Leo

Hehe. I retweeted it then threw it into my bag.

"Sophie, they are waiting in the car outside!" Leo yelled.

"Alright, alright! I'm going out there now!" I hopped into the car and Leo got in beside me. I put my head on his shoulder as he started playing with my hair. We arrived at the bowling alley and went inside.

Some people recognised us but Blair pushed them away and told them we are not getting photos today. We got to our alley and put our names up on the TV. Leo was first of course.

Leo's POV:

I was first to go. I rolled the bowling ball down the alley and it knocked down 8 pins and left 2 standing up. I rolled again but only hit down 1 argh.

"I can do better then that Leo!" Sophie pulled tongues.

"Go ahead miss know it all" I pulled one back.

She went up to the alley and let go of the ball. It rolled to the bottom and.... got a strike. Oh, she's gooood.

"See?" she smiled.

"Cheeky" I said.

"How dare you say I'm cheeky" she folded her arms.

"But I'm only being truthful" I chuckled.

"Right that's it, I'm gonna - " I cut her off.

"What ya gonna dooo?" I chanted.

"I'm going to chase you" she raised her eyebrows.

She ran behind me and started chasing me. Suddenly I head a loud bang behind me. I turned around and she had slipped on the floor and fell on her bum. HAHAHA!!

"Ow!" she moaned.

"Shut up, you only hurt your bum!" I reached my hand out and pulled her to her feet.

"Shut up Mr. Devries" I leant towards her and planted my lips onto hers.

Because Sophie hurt her bum she was moaning for the rest of the day she wanted to go home. So we bought an ice cream and went back the hotel. Tomorrow we go home. I can't believe it! Its gone fast. I need to rest now, I'm knackered.

9.00pm - Charlie's POV:

Taylor beat me at bowling, which surprised me. I usually beat everybody at that. We got into bed and started watching telly. I closed my eyes because they were hurting, but I fell asleep...

Leo's POV:

We got into bed and I wanted to put something on twitter.

@BarsandMelody: Had a great weekend with my favourite people, love my princess so much - Leo<3

I locked my phone and turned to sophie.

"Goodnight" I whispered.

"Night, Love you" she answered.

"love you too" I kissed her cheek and drifted off into a deep sleep........

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