Chapter twop

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*Taylor's POV*

We arrive at the academy and Madison asks an old reception lady which class Iruka teaches.

"3-B," She answered.

As we walk down the hall I can tell Skyler is getting nervous. "What if no one likes me? What if I trip and land on a kunai and it injures my eye so I have to wear an eyepatch? WHAT IF I ACCIDENTALLY DESTROY EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE HATES ME AND THEN I GET BANNED FROM THE ACADEMY AND-"

"Skyler calm down," I laugh.

"You look like you're gonna puke," Merissa whispers.

"I'm just super nervous..."

"Pretend you're in a fanfic," Madison suggests.

"Yeah... I'll be like a mary sue," She says, raising my fist in the air.

"Dear lord..." Madison mutters. "Oh, and the students don't know about us so try to keep it a secret, kay?

"Got it," Merissa answers.

We open the door and Iruka looks at us confused.

"I have some new students," Madison explains.

"What, I was never informed of that," Iruka replies.

He walks over and Madison gives him the note from the Hokage.

"Well okay then... C'mon in"

"See ya guys, I'll come back when it's over"

"Okay mom," Merissa laughs

Skyler, Merissa and I walk into the classroom. The class starts to murmur.

"What are they wearing, it's so weird..." Some girl whispers loudly to her friend, sneering at us.

"She should shut the heck up before I throw a pencil at her face," Skyler mutters. Just then, a pencil flies across the room and stabs the girl in her cheek.

Merissa and I look at Skyler incredulously, she looks as surprised as us. Everyone stares at the girl as she sits in shock.

"This is the best day of my life," Skyler says in awe.

The girl starts screaming, and Skyler starts laughing.

"Skyler did you do that?" I whisper.

"Hahaha, I wish!" She laughed.

Everyone starts to murmur again. Skyler's laughs turn to giggles. Her new 'danger noodle' unwrapped itself from her hand hisses at the class.

"Look at little danger noodle," She says, making kissy faces. "Sticking up for me..."

Many of the girls start to shriek, excluding Hinata of course.

"Fricken pansies..."

"Uh... Anyway, would you three care to introduce yourselves?" Iruka says.

"Okay. I'm Taylor, this is Merissa, and this is Skyler," I introduce. Merissa waves and Skyler was busy with Danger Noodle.

"Any questions?" Merissa asks.

"Why the hell does she have a snake!?" Sakura yells.

"Kiba has Akamaru, why can't I have a snake?" Skyler says.

"How do you know who I am?" Kiba asks, kinda creeped out.

"Damnit Skyler, this is why we can't have nice things..." I sigh.

"I know lots of things," Skyler answers, trying to play it off. "Like how Danger Noodle will kill anyone who crosses me."

Everyone looks at her scared, all except fricken Shikamaru and Sasuke.

"I doubt it," Shikamaru says. "That snake looks too small to have any deadly venom."

"What did you say Shikamaru? Want to test that theory?" Skyler says, getting a dark aura around her. Danger Noodle hisses as the class, his eyes seeming to glow red. Everyone shudders, except Sasuke this time. Skyler glares at him.

"Whatever..." He mutters.


"Okay, let's sit down," Iruka grumbles.

"Does it matter where?" I ask.


The only seats that were together, were two seats by Naruto. Some other seats were scattered around the room.

"I call to sit next to Naruto!" Merissa says.

"I call to sit next to Merissa!" I say.

"Ah man, you guys suck," Skyler whines.

"Go sit next to Ino or something"

"I would rather sit next to Sasuke," She says making a gagging sound.

"Well, I don't know what to tell you," I shrug.

"Just sit down," Iruka sighs.

She mutters curses under her breath and goes to sit next to Sakura.

"I'm surprised she sat there," Merissa whispers to me.

"Yeah, I know... She'll probably kill her"

"Hey, why'd you guess sit next to me?" Naruto asks.

"Cuz you're the best person here, duh," Merissa answers.

"What really!?"


"STOP TALKING," Iruka yells.

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