Nur2 chip 3

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 *Merissa's POV*

I wave goodbye to Kabuto and blow him a kiss. He catches it and puts it on his cheek, then winks at me. H*ck, is it getting hot in here or is just him?

"Stop I don't want to see that," Taylor groans.

"Shut up Taylor, you're just jealous that Sasuke is too emo to do anything cute"

"I don't even like him that much!" She whisper-yells.

"Then why are you blushing?" Skyler asks smugly.

"Whatever, you guys suck."

"At uh being bad heheheh"

Taylor and I sweatdrop at her stupid come back. We have already exchanged our forms for a scroll. We got an earth one. We are now finding a gate.

"I want one next to Gaara!" Skyler whines.

"Well, I want one next to Kabuto!"

"Shouldn't we be by team 7-"

"Heck Taylor I thought you didn't like him that much" Skyler says, trying to imitate Taylor.

"I'm just saying that it could be a problem if you know who shows up"

Skyler starts to shriek, and Taylor is rubbing her temples.

"Hey, I have an idea!" I yell, grabbing their attention. "We go to a random gate then we split up."

"That's a pretty good idea," Taylor says.

"Yeah, it also gives me, the writer of this shit fic, an opportunity to expand on everyone's Mary Sue™ powers," Skyler says.

"But Madison isn't here, so how will she get her time?" Taylor asks.

"During the third part when snek boi attacks"

Since that whole ordeal was dealt with, we go to the closest gate we could find.

"All teams have gotten their scrolls, so go to your gate and wait there. When it opens, the test starts!" Anko yells, causing excitement and fear.

We have to wait a minute, but the gate opens and we just kinda... walk in. "Who's going to keep the scroll?" Skyler asks.

"I think Taylor should, she is the most responsible," I answer.

Taylor takes the scroll with a look of pride.

"Oooh, I have another idea as well...." Skyler says. "Whoever can get the most scrolls wins!"

"H*ck yeah, that sounds fun!" I cheer. Taylor laughs and nods in agreement.

"Okay squad," Skyler yells. "Split up!"


I've been trying to find Kabuto for a while, but haven't had any luck. I groan and kick a rock, making it hit a tree, another tree and then an enemy ninja that was hiding nearby.

"How the hell did you-"

"NOT IN MY GOOD CHRISTIAN FOREST," I yell, extremely triggered. "Yiddish Menorah no Jewtsu (伊出衆燭台の術)!!!!!"

I pull out a menorah from a sheath on my back. I run up to him and shove the sharpened ends into his torso. "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be like crimson, they shall be as wool."

The rest of the fallen ninja's team comes out of the trees.

"You'll pay for that!"

"How dare you!"

I turn around dramatically. "I have no business with you. Just give me your scroll and be on your way."

"Why the fuc-"

I shriek in anger. How dare he try to say such an unholy word!? "Menorah Candle Nunchaku no Jewtsu (燭ヌンチャクの術)!!!"

A pair of nunchucks made of two candles connected by a wick poof into my hands. I swing them with ferocity and throw them at the two ninja. The two candles barely hit them, but the fight is still over. Their heads are knocked off by an invisible force. "Repent and turn to God, so that your sins may be erased."

I make the pair of nunchucks poof back to where they came from and grab their scroll. My senses are on high alert already, so it was easy to sense the person behind me. I turn around prepared to perform The Art of Flying Leaves jutsu. There was no need to, it was Kabuto.

"Ah, Kabuto! I finally found you!"

"It seems to be the other way around," He chuckles and hugs me.

"Well, I was looking for you," I say into his shirt.

"Hey, babe? Do you remember when you called me the perfect Christian?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well I looked it up on ninjapedia, and I do really want to be the perfect Christian."

I lean back from the hug and look into his dreamy orbs. "So you won't work with him anymore?"

"No, I am now only loyal to you," He says, resting his forehead on mine.

Tears of happiness start to leak from my eyes. "I'm... I'm so happy..."

"Anything for you," He sighs lovingly. The tears continue to fall, and I can't stop them. Kabuto leans down and starts to kiss the tears away. I look upward and smile. "I love you."

"I love you too."

We embrace once again, never breaking eye contact. We lean closer and connect our lips.

*Quick Madison Update POV thing*

"Hey Kakashi, pass the popcorn," I say, not taking my eyes of the movie.

"Here ya go"


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