Nur2 chyp 6

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*Madison's POV*

A knock at the front door wakes me up. I groan and rub my eyes tiredly. "This better be important..."

It takes me a moment to make it to the door, but I do. The person knocks again, and much louder this time.

"What the frick," I growl as I open the door. "It's like 6 in the morning."

Some chunin looks at me, kinda scared because of my triggeredness. "U-uh, the Hokage needs to speak with you about the Chunin exams..."

"I'll go see him in a minute," I say before closing to the door. "KAKAASHI"

"What?" he grumbles, leaning on my bedroom door frame (( honhonhon )).

"The Hokage needs to talk to us about the Chunin exams"


"I've called you here for a reason," the Hokage says gravely.

"I would sure hope so," I laugh. Kakashi pokes me in the side, silently telling me to stfu.

"Orochimaru has entered the exams."

"That's all? My team's fine, and since Taylor is MADLY in love with Sasuke, his team will be fine too."

*Skyler's POV*

The sand siblings and I have been at the tower for a while. It's kinda boring, we've just been walking around.

"They've already made us wait for half a day!" Temari groans. "How much longer do we have to wait?"

We enter another room, and I see Kiba's team near the wall. He looks at the sand siblings with distaste, and a little bit of fear. Then he sees me.

"S-Skyler!? Why are you with them? Is Taylor okay?"

"Taylor's fine," I laugh. "And I'm with these guys to win a bet."

"I don't think you should be with-"

"Wooooah woah wait a MINUTE" I say. "Why is Akamaru so spooked?"

"He can sense others' chakra levels," Kiba answers, glancing at Gaara.

"Oh, the poor little thing!" I gasp. "Gaara, will you let me go so I can go pet him?"


"AAwww why not???"

"You're staying with us."

"Oof, just for a second?"


I growl and use my Mary Sue™ powers to loosen the sand around me. With my new freedom, I go over to Kiba and take Akamaru from him.

"You poor little thing," I coo, bringing him to my face. "I'll be the doggo protector in place of Taylor for a moment! Sweet little baby boi"

A jet of sand flies towards us but I create a barrier, keeping Akamaru and me safe.

"Gaara, you can't hurt the pupper!" I scold. Akamaru barks in agreement. "Awww your so cute! If only you were a kit-" I'm not able to finish my sentence because he bit me. He bit me. "Ow, what the frick nevermind you can cry to Taylor later."

I walk over to Gaara holding my hand and grumbling. "My chakra could make you have a heart attack you little piece of crap..."

"Should've listened to Gaara," Kankuro laughs.

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