Nur2 chlap 7

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*Skyler's POV*

I'm woken up from my way good nap by Kankuro. "Now I can show you how amazing my puppets are!"

He goes down into the ring and smirks at me. I roll my eyes, I don't care about dolls. I know they can be pretty cool, but I'll only truly care if it's a cat puppet.

The fight starts and the other guy goes to hit Kankuro, but he blocks with his arm. Other guy smirks and his limbs go all gross and snake-like and wrap around Kankuro's body. "Move and I'll squeeze tighter," Other guy laughs. He then squeezes and snaps Kankuro's neck. Everyone gasps, but the sand team knows better. His head does a 360 and looks other guy in the eyes. Half of his face has chipped off, revealing a puppet.

"Now it's my turn!" Four arms shoot out of Kankuro's sleeves and wrap around other guy's torso. The real Kankuro unravels himself from the wrapping of his puppet disguise. Then Kankuro wins cuz he crushed other guy's bones and he passed out.

Sakura and Ino fight and it ends in a draw. Next was Tenten vs Temari. I'm kinda conflicted on who I should root for. Eh, Temari is my fav female character in the series so go Temari! Not much to explain, Tenten gets rekt.

Now for a member of Team Mary Sue™ to fight. The screen flashes Merissa's name and the bitchy girl from the first exam. The fights over quickly though, Merissa is already triggered from Kabuto leaving and seeing bitchy girl made it worse.

"Nose Beam no Jutsu!" She yells. A huge heckin laser beam shoots out of Merissa's nose. She seems to lose control for a minute but eventually hits her opponent in the face. The nose laser fades and Merissa stands there, looking down at Bitchy girl. For some odd reason, bitchy girl's face isn't damaged in any way. There is one thing different about her though, a yarmulke on her head.

"W-what... What have you done to me?" Bitchy girl whimpers.

"You should be grateful wench. You are now Jewish," Merissa replies.

Bitchy girl looks up at Merissa and gasps, cowering in fear. "I-I can't fight the Mary Jew..."

"You are correct. You have lost," Merissa says with a monotone voice.

She then looks at Hayate who nods. "The winner is Merissa Turd."

I laugh, that'll never get old.

Now Shikamaru and some gal are gonna fight. Shikamaru obviously wins cuz he's a main-ish character, and his IQ is one of the highest. OOooooh now it's Taylor's time to fight!

I don't know the guy she's up against, let's call him Dude. Dude is super hecking cocky as he jumps down into the ring. A couple girls squeal which makes Taylor cringe. I think she has a headache or something.

The match starts and Taylor rubs her temples. "Listen, I don't want to do this, and neither does the author so give up or I will make you regret it."

"As if," Dude scoffs. "You're way too pretty to be able to do anything to me-"

Taylor just hecking sets him on fire and watches him burn with a scowl. She doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, so Hayate stops the match. I opt out of cheering for her cuz now I'm like 98% sure she has a headache. I don't want to be set on fire.

Next match was Kiba and Naruto. It looks like Naruto's gonna lose but then he farts in Kiba's face and wins. Then Hinata and Neji fight, with the winner being Neji.

Now Gaara and Lee are going to fight. Gaara doesn't let me out of his sand (fricken heck I'm getting cramps) and starts to head down to the arena. "Remember what I said Gaara," I say. He turns his head towards me in acknowledgment then continues down the stairs.

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