Nur2 chap 1

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"Now then, we will start the first test of the Chunin Exam!"

*Skyler's POV*

We all got some slips of paper with numbers written on them. These numbers indicated where we are going to sit in the first exam. I hope I'm by someone I like.

"After everyone finds their seat, we will pass out the paper for the written test."

Naruto looks confused for a second before freaking out. "a wRITTEN TEST!?"

"Rip Naruto," Merissa whispers to us.

"Seriously, even though he passes I feel his emotional turmoil," I say as we walk to our seats. Taylor ends up sitting next to Kiba, but in front of Sasuke. This'll be fun. Merissa cries as she walks away from Kabuto to the opposite side of the room. I on the other hand, am ecstatic. I'm sitting next to Gaara!

"There are several important rules to this first test. I will take no questions, so listen well!" Ibiki takes a few minutes to explain the rules. A lot of people seem to be either triggered or confused. This is gonna be great.

"One more thing," I biki says smirking. "To make it more fun for me and the rest of the chunins in this room, we will be bringing in a cat-"

My heart jumps for joy and I hold in a squeal. Ibiki knows me so well.

"-that no one can touch."

The pencil in my hand snaps in two and a deadly aura start to appear around me. Ibiki knows me too well. I hear Taylor and Merissa laughing. I glare at Ibiki and the stupid smirk on his face. "This means war," I growl. Everyone looks at me kinda weird but I don't care. tHAT CAT WILL BE PET

The test begins once again and I am still triggered. I need to pet that hecking cat.

The test starts and the room fills with the sound of pencil scratching and internal screaming. I quickly fold my test paper into a ninja star and throw it at the chunin holding the cat. I hit him in the eye. He let's the cat go and it runs to hide under someone's desk.

"Shit," I curse under my breath. "I need another piece of paper."

I have two options, I can take Gaara's or the other kid that's sitting next to me. I don't want to bug my hunny bunny so I turn to the other kid. "Hey, give me your paper."

"W-what?" He stutters. "No, I need to pass!"

"It won't matter in the end, give it to me."

"I can't-" I snatch the paper from him anyway and he tries to snitch on me but I slam his head on the desk. Ibiki looks at me and I smile innocently. Damn, now he's keeping his eyes on me. I go into the emo thinking pose that Sasuke likes to use.

Sasuke sneezes, it's perfect for my distraction. As he sneezes I make his hand hit his pencil and launch it across the room. It hits some kid in the head who then gets triggered and starts to yell. Ibiki starts to yell at that kid and disqualifies his team. I start to chuckle evilly. With everyone confused and disoriented, it's time for phase two.

I scan the room looking for the cat, it had moved under a girls desk. With my Mary Sue™ powers I make her stand up and shoo the cat away from her desk. She and her team are disqualified. With extreme stealth I take a small box out of my sleeve and slightly shake it. It rattles and the cat looks at me expectantly. I shake it once more and the cat trots up to where I'm sitting. It paws at the box so I open it and give him a treat that was inside. Mission success.

I pet the kitty and it starts to purr. I am in love. "I shall name you Libre."

I guess I didn't even need that other kid's test. Oh well. Since I have the kitty in my possession, I don't need to do anything else. Might as well see how my team is doing. Merissa is silently crying while making the heart symbol towards Kabuto. Rip her.

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