Cahpter 12

21 1 0

 *Madison's POV*

I head back outside after saying farewell to my team. Kakashi and I stand in a comfortable silence for a moment.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with myself while I don't have to deal those little hecks," I sigh.

"Well, I need to go to the bookstore, want to come?" Kakashi asks me.

"Oh, uh sure!" I answer with a smile. I really hope I'm not blushing to bad...

We walk to the bookstore in a slightly awkward silence. "What books do you need to get?" I ask.

"I need to see if they have an Icha Icha book."

"Oh, the series Jiraiya writes."

"Have you read it?"

"Yeah, it's pretty good"

"I've been waiting for the next book to come out for quite a bit," Kakashi laughs and rubs the back of his neck.

"I think it came out sometime this week..." I say to myself, trying to remember when I bought my copy.

"What!?" Kakashi yells and grabs me by my shoulders. "The new one is out already!?"

I try to say that I had bought it already, but am interrupted by him grabbing my hand. He quickly pulls me along the crowded road until we meet his desired destination. A few people look at us confused as we burst into the store and go straight to the back, towards the saucy materials.

He lets go of my hand and starts to hurriedly look through all the books in the section.

"Damnit, they're already sold out..." Kakashi slouches in defeat.

I rub his back gently and try to console him. "It'll be fine, I have a copy you can borrow."

He looks up at me as if I'm his hero and hugs me. I don't know how to feel about this. The blood rushing to my face makes me feel a little dizzy.

"H-hey, Kakashi?" I stutter. He pulls away and sees my tomato face.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just let me check my blood sugars real quick..."

He leads me out of the shop and to a bench outside. I take out my monitor and prick my finger. Heck, I'm low.

"I'm getting low, I'm probably gonna need to go home now," I slightly laugh at my misfortune.

"I could take you to get ramen, that would raise it right?"

I look at him with slightly widened eyes but smile and accept his gracious offer. The dizziness subsides a little and I stand up. We start to walk down the path and some shit kids decide it would be a good idea kick a ball towards us, more accurately, at me. Due to my sluggishness, I can't exactly dodge. Kakashi pulls me towards him, and I grab onto his vest because the fast movement made the dizziness reappear.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks me, holding me up. I meekly nod. "You don't need to lie to me," He sighs. "Here, I'll carry you."

He picks me up bridal style and I hold in a squeal. Again, I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, I am extremely embarrassed, but on the other, I am in heaven. The consistent rhythm of his step slowly starts to lull me to sleep. I try to keep myself awake by forcing my eyes open, and it somewhat works. I'm kind of out of it though. We reach the Ramen Shop fairly quickly and he sets me down on one of the stools then sits on one beside me.

I raise my hand to cover my mouth as I yawn. Kakashi orders two bowls of miso ramen. Teuchi, the shop owner, nods and goes to prepare our meal. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah," I answer. "Just a bit tired."

"I bet your team helps you with that," He laughs.

"They sure do, how about yours?"

"Naruto can be too energetic at times, and so can Sakura. The only person that really worries me is Sasuke."

"How so?"

"He is so hellbent on revenge, I don't know what he'll do in the future. Or what he'll turn into."

"You're a good sensei, I know he'll pick the right path," I comfort. "You're calm in dire situations, and I know for a fact that that helps them. You teach by example and are very good at it. You know when to push them, and also help them when they need it."

"Thanks, I needed that," He says, looking at me sincerely.

"Well, now I'm in the mood to compliment you so I'm going to keep going. First of all, your hair is HELLA cool. Like seriously, only you would be able to pull that off," I laugh. "Your one eye is great too. As an artist, I have an admiration for hands, and mmmmmmmmmmmMMM do those hands look good. They are so hard to draw. Do you think I could sketch yours sometime?"

I was somewhat focused on my hands while explaining that they were hard to draw and when I looked at him I saw that his cheeks were dusted a light pink. I let out a small giggle. "Could I?"

"Oh, uh sure?" He replies, embarrassed.

Teuchi returns to the counter with two steaming bowls of ramen and sets one in front of each of us. I take a deep breath in and savor the amazing smell the food created. I grab my chopsticks and break them apart. Kakashi does the same. "Itadakimasu," We both say before digging in.

We sat in a comfortable silence as we savored the amazing taste. I quickly slurp up all the noodles and see if Kakashi is also done. He is just pulling his mask back up. He stands up and pays Teuchi.

"You feelin' better?" He asks me.

"Much!" I laugh. "Although, I still want to take a nap."

"I have to agree with you there," He chuckles as well. "Would you like me to walk you home?"

"I'd love that," I say with a somewhat shy smile. My house was pretty close by so it didn't take long to arrive.

We stopped at my door and I turned towards him. "Thanks Kakashi, I had fun."

"I did too, we should do it again sometime."

"Yeah, we should," I smiled and opened my door. I'm halfway through the doorway before I spin around and kiss Kakashi on the cheek. "Thanks again," I say before closing the door.

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