Nur2 chlep 8

21 2 5

*Taylor's POV*

Sasuke and I decided to go to the arcade after we finished training. Well, we didn't really finish, the summons left. The arcade wasn't crowded, it was just Madison, Kakashi, and a few others.

"Skeeball?" I ask. Although, I wouldn't have taken no for an answer.


"Stop being an emo"

"You can't tell me what to do," He smirks.

"How about this," I say. "Whoever gets the most points has to do what the other says for the rest of the day."

"Honhonhon," I hear behind me. It's heckin Skyler. "That sounds.... Kinky."

"I swear to god Skyler, no. just no," I groan.

"Oh, I'll leave you and Sasuke alone then ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

She starts to walk backwards, keeping eye contact with the lenny face. After a few bumps into tables and other games, she stops and heads to the coin pusher. Gaara follows behind her looking angry and kinda confused. Maybe spooked? I don't know.

I turn back to the skeeball machine and see that Sasuke has put coins in both of our machines. "Ready to lose?" he smirks.

"As if," I laugh with an eye roll. We start to play and it doesn't take a while for me to be in the lead. Sasuke starts to get triggered cuz I'm winning. I'm the hecking best at this game. There's only one more ball, and I smirk. Sasuke needs to get a hundred to win, and that's not gonna happen.

It seems to go in slow motion, my ball goes into the 30 circle as Sasuke's goes into the hundred. What. The. Hell.

"Hm, what should we do now?" Sasuke asks himself with a smirk. I grumble under my breath and curse the skeeball machine. "They recently built a ferris wheel, how about that?"


"Too bad, I won."

"Heck you," I groan. "If I die I'll haunt you."

"That's fine with me, c'mon," he chuckles. "By the way, it's a date."


I grumble the whole way there, so I don't realize we made it and bump into Sasuke. The tickets themselves were cheap, and it was an enclosed ferris wheel so it was somewhat okay. We get in and it only takes a moment for it to move. It seems we were the first ones on.

Even though the view was nice, it was still heckin spooky.

"Do you not like ferris wheels?" Sasuke asks.

"I don't like heights," I sigh and scooch a little closer to the middle.

We're about halfway up when we wear a little bork. "What the heck?" I ask, and look around. There's a heckin pupper on one of the beams!!!

'Why is there a dog up here?" Sasuke asks incredulously.

"That doesn't matter right now," I shriek. "We gotta get him!" I go to open the door to the seat we were on but freeze. I am gonna heckin die.

"Ooooof uhhh pup or death, pup or death, pup or death-"

"I can get him," Sasuke chuckles.

"I am more than fine with that," I say as I sit back down.

Sasuke opens the door and slowly sneaks onto the beam. It's pretty thin, but he puts some chakra in his feet to stay stable. When he reaches the pupper, it eagerly jumps in his arms and licks his face. That was pretty cute. Wait! The dog was cute! Not Sasuke, I swear!

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