Nur2 chop 4

21 2 0

*Skyler's POV*

I've been walking around for a while. I don't really want to look for anymore teams, I already have quite a few scrolls. And I can't even pet a cat! Since none of my cats were ninja animals, they couldn't come in with me. I'm getting triggered just thinking about it.

Some losers have been following me for a while and it's adding to my triggeredness. I sit down and lean on a tree. I close my eyes, wanting to get this over with. The enemy squad jumps down from the trees. "Give us your scroll, and we won't hurt you... too bad," The main guy says with a smirk.

"How about you give me your scroll?" I ask tiredly.

The two other team members grow and take out some shuriken and kunai. They throw them towards me, but I use my Mary Sue™ powers to make them fly off course.

"I'll say it one last time. Give me your scroll," I growl.

"Why would we do that? It seems we have the advantage here, with three against one."

"No, I think it's two against one," I say smugly.

"What do you mean?" Main guy asks, confused.

A dark look appears on my face and I raise my hand towards one of his lackeys. Said lackey starts to scream in pain. One of his legs breaks with a sickening crack.

"Y-you bitch!" They try to attack again but this time I rip the arms off the two lackeys, spraying blood around the small clearing we're in.

The main guy is physically unharmed, but you can tell he is scared. "Please... just take the scroll.." He whimpers and hands me the scroll.

"Thank you," I say. "But I'm not done yet. I'd love for you to watch your teammates bleed out, but I need to get going."

"No! Please- just leave me alone!"

I twist his head around until it pops off, also spraying blood. This time it gets on me.

"Ah man, I just bought this," I groan. "This hecking stain isn't come out." I kick a rock out of frustration and it ricochets off a tree and hits me in the head. Why? WHy am I like this?

"Hey, uh, are you okay?" Someone asks behind me. I turn around with tears in my eyes. I see Temari and pull her into a hug.

"I'm okay now that you're here," I cry.

"What... the fuck... why the fuck"

"It's always good so see a favorite chara- I mean person!"

Temari, not used to this kind of love and affection, starts to freak out. I hear Kankuro laughing from behind me. I whip around and kick a rock at him, hitting him in the groin. "Don't laugh at us."

Now Temari is laughing at Kankuro's misfortune. I keep crying. Why? I don't know, when do I ever know why I'm crying. I hug Temari again. "I just want to pet a caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat"

"What is going on here?" Gaara asks from behind us, where Kankuro is.

"I have no idea," Temari answers, spooked. The situation was kinda weird. Kankuro is groaning on the ground, Temari is frozen in my grasp, and then there's me. Crying, and wanting to pet some cats.

"Oh, hey Gaara," I say, although it's muffled cuz my face is still buried in her shirt.

"What happened?" He growls dangerously.

"Kankuro and I heard some screaming so we came over here. She," Temari tries to gesture to me. "Killed them, then kicked a rock and hit herself in the head."

"It was pretty funny," Kankuro laughs.

"Not as funny as the kid begging for his life," I mutter monotonously, staring at him dead in the eye. He shivers and kinda scoots behind Gaara.

I release Temari from my embrace. "I'm sorry I got blood and tears on you..."

"It's uuuuh okaaay..."

"Do you guys need a scroll or anything?"

"Why?" Kankuro asks, suspicious.

"My team and I are playing a game to see who can get to most scrolls, so I have extra" I look around the dead bodies and find another one. "Lookie here, another! Try and beat five scrolls you dipwads"

"You know what," Temari says. "I think we do. Do you have a heaven scroll?"

"Yeah do you want one with blood or no blood"

"Um, no blood"

I hand her a clean scroll and yawn. "Hey, mind if I hang with you guys for a while?"

"Why?" Kankuro asks, kinda concerned for my mental wellbeing.

"My teammates won't believe that I gave you guys a scroll, so being with you is evidence."

"Makes sense, I mean if it's okay with Gaara...."

I look at him and give my best puppy dog eyes. "No."

"Ah, why not?"

He just glares at me and I pout. "Party pooper..." I turn around and sigh. "I guess I'll just have to go and kick Orochimaru's ass"

I start to walk away but a bunch of sand grabs me by the waist. "I thought you didn't want me to hang out with you guys," I say defiantly.

"How do you know about him?" Temari asks.

"I just do. I also know about Shukaku and your lame ass dad." His sand starts to squeeze me but my Mary Sue™ powers stop it from hurting me.

"My... Dad?"

"Yeah, how he was, still is, a stupid loser piece of shit. Oof, sorry I swear when I'm triggered."

Gaara turns to leave and his siblings follow. I am about to ask why I'm still encased in his sand but said sand lifts me up and follows them. "Okay then"

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