Chapter 13

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 *Taylor's POV*

Skyler keeps mumbling about the trust between us in a daze, it's getting really annoying. "Heck Skyler, it's not that big of a deal," I sigh as we enter the meeting room.

"nOT A BIG DEAL!?" She shrieks, causing everyone in the room to look at us. "I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS, WE TELL EACH OTHER EVERYTHING"

"Fine, you want to know why I didn't tell you guys?"

My team nods enthusiastically. "Sasuke and I knew you'd react like this."

Just as I reveal this information Ino glomps Sasuke. Skyler, who is already triggered, yells at Ino. "Get off of him!"

"I didn't know you liked Sasuke! But that doesn't matter, he's mine," Ino smirks.

This irks Skyler even more. "My... Friend... Has... DIBS," As she yells the last part she uses her mary sue powers to yeet Ino across the room.

"Damn!" Kiba whistles. "She flew!"

"This is such a drag," Shikamaru mutters and goes to help his yote teammate.

Some guy then walks up to us with a sweatdrop. "Hey, um, you guys should keep it down..."

Merissa, who was looking towards Ino, whips her head towards the boy. Her eyes widen and I see some tears form in her eyes. They stare at each other for a moment, creating a really awkward silence for everyone else.


She nods happily and runs towards him. A tear falls down her cheek and sparkles dramatically. "I'm so glad I got to see you again Kabuto!" Merissa yells and falls into his arms.

Kabuto holds her in his arms, slightly confused. "How do you know my name-"

"That doesn't matter, all that matters is that we're together now."

They embrace for an even longer, more awkward, period of time.

Skyler breaks the silence. "What the hell"

Merissa isn't even triggered that Skyler swore, which was surprising. This is one good pairing. "Hey, Merissa?" I try to ask her a question but she ignores me. "Merissa?"

I sigh and look at Skyler. My hands create a heart shape and I face it towards her. She makes the same symbol to me and then we both direct it towards Merissa. The power of our love makes her face us. The glare she has on her face doesn't faze us, her hands shakily raise into the heart shape. We have succeeded in making her notice us.

"What do you want?"

"How did you meet him?" I ask.

"I ran into him when you sinners made me watch devilman crybaby," Merissa scowls, before turning and embracing Kabuto again.

"What about uhhhhhhhh," Skyler drawls. "That one uhhhhhh girly boy man that uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-"

"Oh my heck Skyler I get it, I'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

"It's basically here"

"Whatever with all your guys' mary sue powers we'll be fine"

"Have you not found yours yet?" I ask.

"I know she has some," Skyler mutters under breath. "We just need to speed up the process."

"How?" Merissa asks. She walks closer to us, bringing Kabuto as well.

Skyler and I look at Merissa then look pointedly at Kabuto.

"I love him and he can stay"

"Okay, whaatever..." Skyler says. She then puts her hands in a praying position and clears her throat. "Dear anime god, please give Merissa her mary sue powers."

A weird cloud appears above Merissa and a holy light shines down from it. An object floats down and lands gracefully on Merissa's head. She gently touches her head and gasps with tears in her eyes. "It's my very own yarmulke..."

Skyler bursts out laughing. "That's hilarious!"

Merissa gets kinda triggered and threatens to try out her new jutsus on us.

"Like that would do anything," Skyler gasps out.

She does some hands signs (which I don't think mean anything) and yells, "Mini No Sinning Jewtsu!"

She pulls a Torah out from behind her back and whacks Skyler in the face.

"Ow what the heck"

"That's what you get for disrespecting my culture"

"But you're not even Jewish!"

"No, I am not Jewish. I am merely a ninjew."

"Wanna fight irl? Let's do it, right here right now"

Before Merissa could answer, a large smoke cloud appears at the front of the room. Everyone grows quiet and we all stare at the group that teleported in here. At the front of the group was Ibiki.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Ibiki Morino, proctor for the first test of the Chunin Exam," He introduces himself. He then points towards us. "Skyler, no doing as you please before the Exam! You want to be failed at the get go!?"

Skyler does that snort laugh thing and says, "Oh Ibiki, you wouldn't do that"

"Watch me," He snarls glaring at her.

She starts to walk towards him with a glare of her own. "Let me rephrase. You couldn't do that."

They glare for a few more seconds before they both start laughing. "Well," he starts. "This is a good opportunity to say this. There will be no fighting without the permission of the proctors! And even if you get permission, actions that could lead to the death of an opponent will not be permitted. Any pig that screws with me will be disqualified immediately. Now then, we will start the first test of the Chunin Exam!"

To be continued in Nur2 crack fic

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