Broken love

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Tommy's: POV

Me and friend saw Adam yesterday at Espresso house with his new man. Poor Tommy :'(

I read the tweet over and over again. I can't believe Adam has been cheating on me with another man. I thought he loved me.

"Darling, I'm home!" called Adam. I wiped away the tears and walked down. "Don't call me that!" I said. "You're so cute when you're angry!" he replied.

He tried to kiss me but I pushed him away. "I'm not going to kiss you when your tongue has been in another's mouth!" I said hurt. "What are you talking about?" asked Adam confused. "I know you've been cheating on me!" I said with hate in my voice. "We're getting married!" replied Adam.

"I'm your husband!" I said. "I don't love you anymore!" replied Adam. "I'll move to Burbank!" I said. "Do you ask for divorce?" he asked. "Yes I do and I take Liam with me!" I said.

His eyes got cold and he rasied his voice. "You would just dare take my son away from me!" yelled Adam angrily. "You don't even care about him!" I shouted. "Liam is not going anywhere!" he said coldly. "Tried to stop me!" I replied and left him.


Our suitcases were in the car and I had called mom too. We would stay with her for a few days until I find a cheap apartment.

"Dad is an idiot!" said Liam. "I guess he's happier with his new man!" I replied. "Like life couldn't get more worse!" he said annyoed. "Ian is welcome home to us anytime!" I replied. "Thanks papa!" said Liam. "You're welcome!" I replied.

Then he yawned and fell asleep. "I will always be here for you, no matter what!" I said.

I love the father and son relationship❤️ I hope you liked this chapter.


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