Stay with me

41 3 8

A/N They're back in LA

Adam's: POV

I found my husband in the bathroom and he was leaning over the toilet. "Are you okay?" I asked worried. He was vomiting and I held off his hair.

"I think I've eaten something bad!" replied Ezra. "Are you sure?" I asked. He washed his face with cold water and took a deep breath. "Yes!" he said. "Poor thing!" I replied and kissed him.

Then we went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I wrapped my arms around him and he smiled. "I'm so glad I found you!" I said. "Oh Adam, you make blush!" replied Ezra. "You're so cute when you do it!" I said and kissed his cheek.

"Emily is a huge Queen fan and she'd be so happy if she could meet them!" he said. "I'll talk to Brian and Roger!" I replied. "Thank you!" said Ezra. "No problem!" I replied.


"Darling, are you coming?" I called, but got no answer back. I went upstairs and found him on the bedroom floor. "Ezra!" I said and shook him gently. He didn't answer or move. I picked up my phone called for an ambulance.

The ambulance arrived after a few minutes and they lay him on a stretcher and carried him out.

I held his hand on the way to the hospital and tears ran down my cheeks. "Stay with me!" I said.

Please be okay Ezra❤️ I hope you liked this chapter.


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