You have changed, but not to something better

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Sauli's: POV

The sight I met when I visit Adam wasn't pretty. Several empty bottles of red wine lay on the floor and in a ashtray lay a blunt. His hair was messy and his beard was thicker.

Adam woke up and gave me a tired glance. "You look like hell!" I said. "It's nice to see you too!" he replied. "What will Tommy say when he finds out that you're doing drugs?" I asked.

"We have divorced!" said Adam. "Why?" I asked. "Because I was cheating on him with another man!" he said. "How could you?" I asked. "It's my life!" shouted Adam angrily and opened another bottle.

"You're not the Adam I know!" I said sadly. "The old me is dead!" he replied and drank from the bottle. "Don't forget who you are!" I said. "I think you should go!" replied Adam. "You have changed, but not to something better!" I said and walked out.


I passed a tattoo studio and a young boy came out. "You're Sauli!" he said. "Yes!" I replied. "My name is Elliot, Ari's boyfriend!" he said. "Nice to meet you and I regret the grief!" I replied. "I tattooed her name on my wrist!" said Elliot and showed me his tattoo. "That's so sweet!" I replied.

"I think we'll be very good friends!" he said. "I think so too!" I replied with a smile. "Wanna come with me to the hairdresser?" asked Elliot. "Sure!" I said. "I'm thinking of dye my hair blonde!" he replied. "Sounds like a good plan!" I said.

Thank you adommybearforever for letting me have your character in my story.

I love their friendship. I hope someone can help Adam. I hope you liked this chapter.


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