I'm done with getting my heart broken

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Tommy's: POV

Jamie came home late and he had different clothes. "Where've you been?" I asked. "Out!" he said. "It's midnight!" I replied. "Am I not allowed to have fun?" he asked annoyed. "Of course you're allowed!" I said. "But stop being so damn suspicious!" he replied and went to the bathroom.

I had very fun tonight. We have to do it more times. Love you so much❤️

I had fun as well and love you too❤️

I read the text and I couldn't believe it. Tears ran down my cheeks and I couldn't breathe. He had been cheating on me with another man.

Jamie came out again and I gave him an hurtful glance. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I'm so done with you, have fun with your new boyfriend!" I yelled.

"Oh Tommy, you swallowed all my lies!" said Jamie and smirked. "I thought you loved me!" I replied and tears were streaming down my face. "I used you for money!" he said. "That's it, it's over between us!" I replied coldy and left the house with my stuff.


I knocked on the door and mom opened. "Tommy, what's wrong?" she asked worried. I told her the whole story. "Liam will never forgive me, he'll hate me forever!" I said. "I'm sure he will!" replied Dia and gave me a hug. I began to cry again and mom comforted me.

@TommyJoeRatliff Me and Jamie are no longer together. He used me for money. I'm done with getting my heart broken💔

We Glamberts are here for you❤️

I'm so sorry to hear😔

What an idiot👿

Stay strong Tommy💕

We love you so much💗

We are always here💜

@TommyJoeRatliff Thanks guys❤️

I hate you Jamir for breaking Tommy's heart. We Glamberts will hunt you down😈 I hope you liked this chapter.


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