I forgive you dad

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Liam's: POV

I took a deep breath and rang the bell. A girl opened the door and smiled. "Hey Emily, is dad at home?" I asked. "He's in the living room!" she said. "Thanks!" I replied and gave her a smile.

I found him on the couch with a bottle in his hand. "Dad!" I said and shook him softly. He opened his eyes and looked confused at me. "Liam, is it really you?" he asked. "Yes it is!" I said.

Tears filled his eyes and I gave him a hug. "I have missed you so much!" replied Adam. "I've missed you too!" I said. "I'm so sorry, I know you're mad at me!" he replied. "I forgive you dad, I know much Ezra means for you!" I said. "Thank you!" replied Adam and kissed the top of my head.

"Are you my brother?" asked Emily. I lifted up her in my arms and smiled happily. "Yes, I'm your brother!" I said. "I love you Liam and Ari would have been so proud of you!" she replied. "I love you too and I've promised my sister to take care of you!" I said. "She's my fairy godmother!" replied Emily. "Yes she is!" I said.


"Papa has a new boyfriend named Jamie!" I said and dad nodded. "I don't trust him for some reason!" I said. "You know you're always welcome to stay here!" replied dad. "I know!" I said.

"I'm so worried about Ezra, I can't lose him too!" replied dad. "I really hope he'll survive because I don't want to lose my stepfather!" I said. "Oh Liam!" replied dad and hugged me. "He's a part of my life and will always be!" I said. "I'm glad to hear that!" replied Adam and I smiled.

I'm glad Liam forgave his dad and he's a wonderful brother to Emily❤️ I love this family❤️ I hope you liked this chapter.


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