Grace's Diary Page 1104, My Love Life and Wonders

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I really love Collin very much, and I would do anything for him, even before he asks. Surprisingly, there are many pages on this diary! Even though there are no typed dates, it's all digital, so I can always revert back to a computer to see the dates of each written note. To be honest, I have loved Collin ever since I joined his guild. He is so kind and smart, charming and handsome, not to sound obsessed, but I can't get enough of him at all! I wonder what it's like to be Collin, I mean, he seems to be, unusual. A strange person he is, and I want to know more about Collin, why he has great battle plans and strategies along with backups and other emergency plans. I wonder who he really is in real life, we know his first name is Collin, but we don't know anything else about him, yet. I'm always wondering what goes on in his mind, he's often pretty quiet when we're not in battle. It seems he knows what he's doing, but I can sense some doubt in him. It's like he comes up with a likely idea, but finds possible errors in it that could cause failure, and as a result, he hesitates before he makes his decision. And because of his hesitation, he has a chance to fail, and that's the fault I see in him. We are all trying to survive here, and he wants to help us. He's trying hard, he doesn't want to die, but nobody else does either, so they fight against him in this ranking system. To be honest, I really see this ranking system as unfair. It's too easy to lose a lot of points, and hard to gain them. I don't understand the developer's choice to make this game the situation it is, and I want to. It just doesn't seem right...

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