Chapter One

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Bursting through my bedroom door I rummaged through my closet. The Mating Ball was in two days, and I intended on having my outfit ready and ironed by then. Maya peeked in her head confusion evident in her facial expression,

"Uhm, Mystie, what are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I said bluntly, startling my sister, "I still have no idea what I'm wearing to The Mating Ball!"

"Oh my Luna, are you serious? I'm taking you shopping, let's go." I nodded my head as she grabbed my wrist.

Walking into the mall we turned towards the dress store. Dresses of all colors towered over my slim frame. Blues and reds, purples and silvers. So many, too many, to choose from.

"This is going to be harder than we thought..."

"Mystie you crack me up! This is only one of the stores we're looking at, you probably won't find anything here!" My mouth gaped and my eyes widened,

"You're not serious?""

"I'm serious. What you wear on the first day of The Mating Ball is the most important thing you'll ever wear." I ran my hands roughly through my , sighing I started to pick through the wide selection of dresses. None of which really caught my eye. Slight goosebumps climbed up my , the store was quite cold. I shrugged it off, again rummaging through the dresses.

After about thirty minutes of searching we headed to another store. Still nothing. Another store, still nothing. Around this time I was getting extremely hungry, my stomach rumbled, not noticeably, but it still rumbled.

"Can we get something to eat? I'm starving." I said.

"I was just about to ask the same thing, let's get some lunch and continue looking after that." I nodded and we headed towards the food court of the mall, I got some french fries and Maya got a cheeseburger. Tearing through the small meal, we drank our iced tea and headed to the next store.

Looking through the racks of dresses was dizzying. So many vibrant colors and different styles, I was excited yet overwhelmed at the same time.

"What about this one?" Maya held out a dress to me, I looked it over and shook my head.

"Not my color." Maya nodded and put it back on the rack, she pulled another dress, this time , and held it out to me,

"This one?" I shook my head,

"It's pretty, but I think it would look better on you than me."


"Yeah, why don't you take that one to try on after all, you need a gown too."

"Not a bad idea." She smiled. I smiled back and finally picked a dress of the rack. It was silver and I really liked it, but it definitely wasn't my style.

"How about this one for you?"

"I love it!" she took the gown up in her arms and took a good look at it,

"I think this is the one!"



"That's awesome!"

We searched the racks some more, then I saw it. The dress. The one I'd wear to the Mating Ball.

"I found it!" I cried to Maya.

"You found what?"

"The dress!"

"The dress?! That's great!" We walked over to it. The glimmered. It seemed to radiate light, making it glow.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go try it on!" We walked into the dressing room. I took the dress into one of the stalls and slipped it on. Walking out I turned to my sister,

"Can you tie me up?" Maya nodded and tied the back of my dress tight enough so I could still breathe,

"Per-fect.." I managed to squeak out. I stepped up to the mirror, looking at myself I looked like a whole new werewolf.

"It's... Perfect." a smiled formed on my lips, "I love it, this is the one." Maya nodded in agreement. She tried on her dress, it fit like a glove. We walked out of the dressing room and went to pay for the dresses.

"That'll be $279.57 please."

"$279.57! Maya I can't let you spend that much!"

"Don't worry about it okay Mystie? It was my decision to take you shopping for the Mating Ball, I intend on paying."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

We walked out, dresses in hand and went to Maya's car. On the drive home a comfortable silence covered the atmosphere like a blanket, my dress was sat in my lap. Looking at it I smiled, it's perfect, Maya's the best.

"It's gorgeous!" Mother cried, "Could you turn around for me so I can see the back?" I nodded and turned around.

"Gorgeous! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!" My mother squealed.

"You girls ready for the Mating Ball tomorrow? Are you all packed?" I nodded in sync with Maya.

"Yep!" she said enthusiastically.

"Alright, now that everything's settled, you girls go get some sleep. You'll need it for tomorrow!"

"Okay mother." I said, "Do you when father will be arriving home?"

"He should be home tomorrow morning right before you girls are seen off in the limousine."

"Oh.." I said, a disappointed look on my face, "I thought he said we'd be able to have dinner together tonight."

"Honey, I know it's hard, but with your father the Alpha of Lunar Pack, he isn't going to have much time with us anymore. I'm sorry."

"It's.. Okay.." I walked into my room and slipped out of the dress, hanging it in my closet I flopped ungracefully on my bed. A small sigh left my lips and a stray tear rolled down my cheek.

My father and I were always the closest of my family. He was always there when I needed him, but ever since became Alpha of our pack, he has more and more work piling on top of him like a stack of pancakes. He barely ever has time for his family anymore. It tears him up, but if he's ever to call, he always makes sure I'm the first one he calls. Parents aren't supposed to have favorites, neither are children, but it happens sometimes without us realizing it. My favorite is obviously my father, and his favorite is obviously me. We just won't admit to it.

My phones buzzes to life, my dad's ringtone plays I pick up the pick up the phone quickly and place to my ear,


"Hi my darling."

"Dad!" I cried into the phone.

"Hey sweetheart. I'm so sorry I had to miss dinner before the Mating Ball tomorrow. It's just-"

"I know dad. Being the alpha of this pack isn't easy, it's okay." I murmured.

"You're amazing you know that?"

"Thanks dad..."

"No, I mean it. Whoever has the privilege of becoming your mate, they are the luckiest werewolf in the universe."

"Thank you daddy."

"Anything for you sweetheart, now, I gotta go. Just know I love you okay? And tell your mother and sister I said 'hi' and that 'I love them'."

"Kay Dad, I will."

"I love you."

"Love you."



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