Chapter Fourteen

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*Mystie's POV*

I woke up in the morning and ran into the bathroom, covering my mouth. Once I reached it, I knelt over the toilet and let go of anything left in my stomach, except the tiny little baby forming, of course. Was that even possible? Anyhoozles, God, I couldn't tell you how excited I was when I found out I was pregnant. I could tell Geane was excited too.

When I was finished, I wiped my mouth with a piece of toilet paper I tore off the roll, and flushed the toilet. I got up carefully and looked in the mirror. There wasn't any real growth in my stomach yet, but I felt like it was there, I don't know. I walked out of the bathroom and crawled back into bed beside Geane. His chest rose and fell steadily as he slept.

I smiled and snuggled into him, closing my eyes and falling asleep again.


I woke up after what seemed like a couple hours. Geane had woken up and was watching over me as I slept. When he saw I was awake he smiled softly and asked,

"How you feeling?"

"Better.." I whispered, yawning.

"I'm glad.." Geane murmured, stroking my hair.

I sat up slowly and stretched my arms up in the air. Geane watched me carefully, he was obviously worried about me and the baby. We have yet to announce the fact I'm pregnant to Geane's parents, we were thinking of telling the pack at the Luna ceremony. Then it hit me,



"The Luna Ceremony is tonight."

He gasped, "I forgot!"he whispered.

"You're not the only one.." I muttered.

"Should I call Brenee so you two can go shopping for your dress for tonight?"

I nodded, "You better do it quick." Just then there was a knock at the door, and Brenee walked in.

"Mystie get ready we're going shopping."

"Ironic." I said with a chuckle, "Just gimme like, 45 minutes and I'll be right out." Brenee nodded and shuffled out, closing the door behind her. Geane kissed me softly, "Have fun, okay?"

I smiled, "I will." And with that, I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. When I finished I blow-dried my hair, put on some natural makeup, put my hair up in a loose ponytail, and got dressed. Then I tied my shoes and took the stairs down two at a time to meet Brenee.

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded,

"Let's go."

Sorry for the short chapter, but like my username says, I'm going into hiding. There should be another update soon, cya on the flip-side lovelies. -Riles

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