Chapter Eighteen

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My mind was whirling at the prospect of something bigger that still may be going on. I mean, I knew my brother was an evil douchebag, but I wasn't necessarily expecting him to stoop as low as to attack my Pack. Not to mention some of my pack members were injured, now that, I wouldn't stand for. Beckham has always been the favorite, well, to my dreaded mother anyway.

My father saw right through his good boy act, that's why he entrusted me with the Alpha position even though it was supposed to go to Beckham. When my mother found out about this, she was furious. Claiming I wasn't intelligent enough, or strong enough for the Alpha position. She said that coming from a standpoint of which she was one of the most evil Lunas in recent werewolf history.

Everything going on right now is a lot to handle. Mystie is still asleep, and I can't blame her. One, the past few days have been exhausting, and two, she's expecting a child, it's not like I expect her to be up and a out comfortably. I smile watching her as her chest rises and falls steadily, she's not far along, but I can't even to begin to explain the pride I feel for her.

She's stronger than she thinks. And contrary to popular belief, she's not just some girl who happened to be mated to an Alpha, she takes the time and care of protecting this pack, and that takes a lot of patience and skill. She's wonderful with the with the pack children and people constantly tell me how much she's respected, it makes me proud, really it does.


** Maya's POV**

Sitting around the house had more benefits than you think. Though it did get a bit boring at times, I could always drown my sorrows in ice cream and watch some obviously fake reality show and make fun of the women's numerous plastic surgeries and Botox stuffing up their faces. I cracked up at the prospect of women stuffing their faces full of silicone.

"Maya?" My mother said and I looked up, the spoon I was using for my ice cream still hanging from my mouth,

I hummed my response, taking the spoon out of my mouth, "Yes?"

"Mystie's on the phone." I shot up from the couch, choking on air, after my coughing fit had ceased I said,


My mother shook her head in amusement, "Get over here or I'm hanging up the phone."
I scrambled from the comfort of the couch and snatched the phone out of my mother's hands, she chuckled and walked into the kitchen as I put the phone to my ear,


"Maya!" hearing her voice, I couldn't help the smile that sprawled across my face, I missed her loads,

"Hey! How are you? I've missed you so much!" Mystie chuckled on the other line, hearing the urgency in my voice, she said,

"I've been good.." she started to giggle uncontrollably and my eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"What are you giggling about Missy?"

"Nothing~" Mystie said airily.

I raised my eyebrows in amusement, and then the idea hit me, "I'm coming to visit you."

"What!?" Mystie was extremely surprised. I chuckled,

"I'm leaving tomorrow, and then I can find out what you're so ditzy about."

Mystie giggled, "See you soon."

I sighed, "See you soon."

I know you all wanted to know what was going on with our favorite sarcastic sister, so here she is. Bye lovelies!

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