Chapter Nineteen

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**Mystie's POV**

I sat up in bed, groaning groggily. Peeling the covers from my legs, I heaved a sigh. Walking into the bathroom I did my business and washed my hands. Looking at myself feebly in the mirror I ran a hand through my knotted hair, I was a mess. As soon as I was finished, I knew it would be best if I got in the shower.

Stripping of my clothes I hop in the shower, the warm water flowing down my back as I heave out an audible sigh of relief. I'm starting to show a bit as the baby progresses, so Geane and I have decided to announce my pregnancy at the next Pack meeting. which would make the most sense. With Korene gone, the Pack House is so much quieter. But I still feel uneasy, not much I can do to change that.


I hear a knock at the door and aighed, "Who is it?"

" I brought you something to eat, my queen. "

I smiled and opened the door, "Hi, Geane."

" Hi, sweets. " he greeted, kissing my cheek. "You feeling alright? You've got color in your cheeks."

"Just peachy, a bit tired, though, I will admit."

"Tired is okay." He said, closing the door behind him. He handed me the food and we sat on our bed as I practically vaccumed my meal. I was eating for two, after all, so my appetite had increased by the tenfold. I couldn't remember the last time I'd eaten so much, to be honest.


" Very. " I mumbled, my mouth still full. Geane chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. I know I probably looked like a chipmunk on crack, but do not judge a girl when she's hungry. That is the best way to get a slap to the face. Or, at least, one of the best ways.

"The pack meeting is tonight."

I swallowed "That it is."

I had honestly forgotten. Soon my pack would know I was pregnant, with the heir to their pack, nonetheless. I had to take care of this baby. I was nervous and excited and I couldn't really pick one or the other to express how I was feeling. It was all honestly a bit overwhelming, but worth it. Here's hoping it goes well.

I know this poor excuse for a chapter doesn't make up for my absence, but I am very busy. My performance is next week and there is a lot of practicing to be done, so please bear with me. I hope you enjoyed what I have, at least. Have a great rest of your day/night~ 💜💙💚💛 

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