Chapter Sixteen

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The pack link was going mad with questions I couldn't answer no matter how much I wanted to. Geane was out there, and I was here -pregnant with his child- and I had no idea what would become of him. But I had to be the Luna this pack needed, so I got to my feet.

"Everyone, calm down. Your questions will be answered as soon as we can answer them. But for now, all we can do is pray to the Moon Goddess that our loved ones are safe, and hope for the best." There was a collective murmur of agreement and everyone seemed to calm down, the link was also less congested and my headache began to subside.

I would do whatever it took to be the best Luna I could be. The pack was silent for a while and the only sound was the ripple of whispers from each pack member. Everyone including myself was taken by surprise at the sudden attack, no one was expecting it, but that's exactly what the rogues wanted, to take us by surprise.

The rogues haven't been very active in this areas either, so all of this happening was a lot. Then I remembered, a couple nights ago Geane and I were out and there were werewolves that ambushed the restaurant... And Geane has yet to tell me who they were, or why they were there for that matter... Now it's all piecing together. Those were no rogues... They were- and a link from Geane finished my thought,

Beckham and his pack. They're here. And they are not here on peaceful regard. Stay safe, love, I'll be back.

Be safe, Geane. I said, and then the link went dead. At least I knew he was safe for now, but there were people, my pack out there fighting, and me staying here didn't feel right. I felt like I had an obligation to be out there, fighting. I felt a tug on my pant leg and I looked down to see Barry. I smiled sadly as he whimpered,

"Daddy and Bubba are out there Mystie.. I'm scared.." I picked him up and held him,

"It's okay..They'll be just fine, they're strong, just like you, Barry." he looked up at me, his eyes shiny,

"You pwomise?"

"I promise." He hugged me and hid his face in my shoulder. Korene simply shuddered and now that I was Luna, I wouldn't take this anymore,

"Korene? Do you have something to say?"

She rolled her eyes, "Not to you." that caused a collective gasp and some growls among the pack.

"Don't treat our Luna with such disrespect!" one hissed.

"The nerve.." another growled.

"Evil witch.." another muttered.

Korene simply began to file her nails, looking at the pack with pure distaste. And then her eyes landed on me and she practically spat,

"Unhand my son," she said. Barry whimpered,

"Don't let me go Mystie! Mommy said she's do something bad to me!" Another collective gasp and me holding Barry tighter,

"What did she threaten to do, Barry?"

"She said she'd put me in a silver dog collar!" Pack members, mostly mothers, and fathers, began to stand, a furious glint in their eyes.

Korene began backing away, "I did no such thing! The child is lying!" she seethed.

Two of the males grabbed her by the arms, restraining her. She kicked in squirmed but their iron grip held her there.

"Korene." I said, my voice raising, "You are hereby banned from this pack." There were cheers and pack members came up to me, thanking me, Appearently Korene had put them through hell when she was Luna. I would make sure to correct her mistakes and be a better Luna than she could ever dream of being.

Hopefully that did some good for you, Chirren. I hope you liked the chapter and I'm sorry that it was a bit short.. Buh-bye lovelies!

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