Chapter Six

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Stretching my arms my back and opening my mouth to let out a gaping yawn, I look around the room, Geane's room, our room. My memories of the past couple days are a blur, considering I may or may not of drowned my sorrows in a glass or two of champagne.

Anyway.. The shower was running so I figured he was in there, I had been out like a light last night considering it had been such a long day. Getting up from the bed I just kinda of looked around the room. It was vast and really nice. The walls were a deep burgundy and my favorite color. The bed was a king size and the bedding was a soft silver with darker gray decorative pillows. It was kinda my dream bedroom. The water in the shower stopped running and I looked over my shoulder towards the bathroom door.

My face flushed, What if he's only wearing a towel?! I really have no idea why I was so worried, I mean, we're mates, but it's still a new thing I have to get used to, and... I'm definitely not used to it yet. I turned away, facing the window, then the door knob creaked and I couldn't help but turn around.

There stood Geane, fully clothed, Thank god, and looking good as ever. His hair was still wet so it dripped on his cotton tee shirt, and he wore black skinny jeans and Converse. Something I would wear... Huh. Not bad.

"Morning beautiful," he said with a warm smile.

"Morning." I kissed him on the cheek and he hugged me,

"How'd you sleep last night?"

"Like a rock, in a coma." He laughed,

"That's good, I'm glad your comfortable."

"I am too," I said with a laugh.

"Why don't you go ahead and take a shower, and then we can go downstairs for breakfast?"

"Sounds good!" I pecked him on the lips then turned to take my shower.

The warm water ran over my entire body, and I saw some body wash on the shelf, it was my favorite, Candy Apple. I smiled, Geane must've gotten a hold of my parents sooner than I thought. I had given his their numbers when we had first arrived. He must have done some serious research on the world of Mystie Lunar -Solar- keep forgetting...

Lathering the soap over my body and rinsing it off, I felt clean. So, I turned off the water, stepped out of the shower, and wrapped myself in a towel. I had grabbed some from my suitcase to change into, so I slipped them on along with my socks and stepped in front of the mirror. My hair was still wet, that needed blow-drying, and my face definitely needed a little love, aka, makeup. So I got straight to work. First I brushed and blow-dried my hair so that it was dry and soft. Then, I put some quick makeup on so I didn't look like Frankenstein's Bride.

Taking a look in the mirror, I smiled. I looked good, now to meet Geane's pack. Nerves buzzed in my head like bees in a hive.

"What if they don't like me? Korene already hated my guts! And she just met me!"

"They're going to love you." I whipped around to see Geane standing in the doorway, He must've heard me..

"Really? You think so?"

"I know so, now come on, we don't want to be late to breakfast."


We walked out of his bedroom and he held my hand. I may have been cutting off the circulation to his fingers, I was nervous. I never got nervous, but... I was the future Luna of this pack, I had to, and I mean, had to make a good impression.

"Nervous?" Geane asked in a hushed voice as we approached the vast dining hall.

"A bit." I squeaked.

"You'll be fine, they're gonna love you, I promise."

"Alright.." Then, we stepped into the dining hall.

Cliffhanger! Tee hee! Well lovelies, this is Riles signing off till... Well... Whenever I get out with the next chapter XD See you guys when I see you!

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