Chapter Fifteen

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After a couple hours of looking Brenee and I finally found me a dress that would be suitable for the ceremony. It was a black shoulderless that showed off my mark. It was considered respectful to show off your mark if you were properly mated. There was a lot of werewolf culture that people didn't seem to know.

We walked out of the store and did a bit more shopping mostly for more clothes for me. And Brenee got some things too, and then we headed to lunch. After all of that, we headed home. Geane had duties to attend to for the ceremony, so Brenee gathered some ladies and we went upstairs getting to work to get me ready. About an hour or so later I was ready, and the ceremony drew near.

I was nervous and pacing around the room, what if I wouldn't be a good Luna? What if the pack hated me? Oh, Moon Goddess... I needed to calm down. I sat on the bed and sighed, twiddling my thumbs. Geane walked in and looked at me,

"How are you doing?"

"I'm nervous.." he sat beside me and kissed me softly,

"It's okay... You'll do fine.."

I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder, "I don't know.. I don't think I'll be very good at this whole 'Luna' thing.."

We sat like that for a while and soon enough... It was time.


"Mystie, do you solemnly swear to aid me in leading this pack, even if it may cost you your life?"

"I do," I said with certainty. Geane cut both of our wrists for the blood oath and we held them together.

"As the Alpha of Solar Pack, I proclaim you as our new Luna." The crowd clapped and cheered and Geane hugged me tightly, kissing the top of my head. Geane pulled back and took my hand, "Ready?"

It was time for the pack shift and I nodded. Allowing our wolves to take over and shift Geane and howled, there was a chorus of howls that filled the clearing and we ran into the woods of our territory as our pack. With the wind in my fur, I felt one with the pack. There were so many links going on at once,

Congratulations, Luna! one said,

You'll be a wonderful Luna.. murmured another,

You're so awesome, Luna! one squeaked. I was beginning to get quite the headache and Geane did his best to shush the link and I said,

Thank you, everyone...


After the ceremony, I was quick to shower and get into more comfortable clothes. I crawled into bed and Geane soon followed, wrapping his arm around me,

"You did great tonight..." he whispered.

I smiled and whispered, "Thanks.." and I soon fell asleep, not being able to keep my eyes open any longer. I stayed in bed for a while the next morning, not wanting to get up. Yesterday had been long and exhausting. Sleep soon found me again and when I woke it was around noon. I sighed and finally pulled myself out of bed, going to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror and when I was done brushing my teeth, I brushed my hair and put it up in a ponytail.

I changed into one of my red sweatshirts and put on the black legging and slipped on some fuzzy socks not bothering with shoes. I walked out of our room and went downstairs to the kitchen to find something to eat. I was craving strawberries so I grabbed some out of the refrigerator and sat down to eat them at the table.

The Beta's mate greeted me with a smiled, "Hi, Luna."

I smiled and said, "Please, call me Mystie." she nodded and asked,

"What are you up to?"

"Eating strawberries.." I chuckled and the woman smiled.

"I'm Erin, Beta Aster's mate."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled.

We talked for a while and then Erin had to go and tend to something, leaving me alone with the now almost empty carton of strawberries. I ended up deciding t put the rest of them back in the fridge. Though that is not at all what I wanted to do, I wanted to eat millions of those strawberries, but I knew there would be others in the pack that may want some, so I went with my better judgement.

I ended up taking a walk around the territory, taking in my surroundings. And suddenly there was a link from the Beta,

Rogue Attack on the east side of the territory. We need any able-bodied warriors out here. Now.

My eyes went wide and I tried linking Geane, he wouldn't answer and I started to get worried. I ran back to the pack ouse as quickly as I could and was met with Erin, "You got the link, right?"

I nodded vigirously, visibly shaking, "I think Geane's out there!" I whimpered.

"He knows how to handle himself.." she soothed, placing a hand on my shoulder, "He should be just fine."

The link went on again and it was muffled, Get women and children into the safety bunker. Now. and the link went dead again. I was holding back a scream, I couldn't smell Geane. I was scared. Erin trieed to calm me, "We have to get to safety," she explained.

"But Geane! He's out there!"

"I know, but we don't have a choice." she said and I sighed, finally giving in and letting her lead me to the safety of the bunker where the female werewolves along with their children and some of their mates were hiding.

Mwhahaha! Ending it there! Bye lovelies~

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