Chapter Nine

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I woke up the next morning with Mystie cuddled in my arms. I smiled and sighed contently. She looked so peaceful when she slept, it was like I was sleeping next to an angel. I pulled her a bit closer and kissed her head, closing my eyes once more.

This time I awoke alone, the shower was running, so I figured Mystie was in there. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I let my mind wander a bit and I realized, I hadn't marked Mystie yet. I almost fell off the edge of the bed. That was one of the most important things to do, and we hadn't yet. It honestly surprised me.

The shower stopped running and I stiffened a bit. Mystie came in from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She blushed a bit and smiled, "You're awake!" I nodded and got up from the bed. Walking over to her,

"Is something wrong..? " she asked.

"No.." I sighed, looking at her, " I was thinking, and realized... I haven't marked you yet. And you haven't marked me.. " her eyes widened a bit,

"We haven't.. have we?" She whispered, "One second," she grabbed some clothes, running back into the bathroom. She came out dressed, her hair was still wet though, and it dripped slightly on her shoulders. Then she cupped my face in her hand and kissed me roughly. I was surprised but delighted as I put my hands on her waist. She smiled into the kiss and then gently pulled her lips away, causing me to whimper,

"Not now.." She said, tracing a finger along her lip, "Besides, that can wait till tonight. " I quirked a brow,

"And you said I'm the one's who's feisty." I snickered. She smiled,

"Ah but you are, love. Why don't you and I go out together today?" She asked

"I like that idea!" I said. Another thought crossed my mind,

"The Alpha ceremony is tomorrow night... "


" I'm being named Alpha tomorrow... "

Mystie gasped, "I almost forgot!"

I chuckled, "You and me, both."

Then she said, "Tomorrow's full moon, so it makes sense. " I nodded. Then she grabbed my hand, "Let's run away for the day."

"But what if I have-"

"I already cleared that up with your father, you have an open schedule. So let's go!" She tugged gently on my arm.

"Alright," I caved, " Let's go. " I smiled as she took me downstairs,

"Bye bubba! Bye Mystie!" Barry said, waving enthusiastically.

"Bye!" We called out, walking away.

I weaved my fingers between Mystie's and she smiled softly. I smiled too. She is truly something else. Ever since I met Mystie I realized something, she's nothing like any other girl I've ever met. That's why I love her, she's different. When she says something, she means it. Not into hesitation, she's the kind of girl everyone wishes for, but can never get. How did I get so lucky? I don't know. But what I do know is that she's here, she could be with anyone else, she could be anywhere else, but she's here, with me.

She's so confident in herself and in her choices, it's truly remarkable. And there's always a spring in her step, nothing can bring her down. Her smile, brighter than the sun and her eyes, her soft features. I want to take it all in over and over again, the color of her eyes, the curl of her lips. I smile to myself and sneak a glance at her. She's fiddling with one of the bracelets around her wrist She sees me looking and smiles up at me.

I offer a warm smile back. Then she says,

"Well, you wanna try and guess where I'm taking you?" she said slyly.

"Hm... I don't know, I don't think I wanna ruin my surprise."

She chuckles, "I don't blame you, it's an awesome surprise."

I shrug and smile. "Well then, surprise me," I chuckled, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close to me. She kisses me roughly and wraps her arms around my neck, her hands in my hair. I gently bite her bottom lip and she doesn't hesitate, gently opening her mouth as I deepen the kiss. She gently pulls away, chuckling, "Let's go." she takes my hand and leads me to the car.

She climbs in the driver's seat and I get in the passenger's. She starts the car and smiles at me, "Get ready for an adventure.. Alpha." I blush at the name and she giggles, putting her hands at ten and two. She then hits the accelerator, and we're off. I lean back in my seat and study the scene outside the window. Stores and city lights passed.

We're in the car for a while, lights passing. Finally she pulls off to an exit and soon enough we've arrived. She pulls up this restaurant. We get out of the car and we walk under this beautifully lit type thing. It's gorgeous, she twirls around,

"Isn't it gorgeous?" she whispers,

"Not as gorgeous as you," I chuckle.

She blushes and playfully shoves my arm, "Love you."

"I love you too."

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