Chapter 2-Gracy

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"They're here," said Rosalie as she opened the door.

"Hi, Esie, I missed you too much. You should've came to the party with me," said Gracy.

"I wish I could've came with you, but my friends already asked me to go to the movies," said Esme.

"You can just come to the next party," said Gracy.

"How's your day?" asked Dean.

"It was good," said Rosalie and Esme.

"Want to start the tea party now, Esie?" asked Gracy.

"Yes, I would love to," I lied.

"Can you help me set up the table?" asked Gracy.

"Sure," said Esme.

They placed all the cups, plates, and napkins on the table. Esme poured tea in the cups and put crackers on the plates.

Esme took a bite of a cracker on her plate, and Gracy yelled, "No! No! You have to wait until I get my quackers, first."

"Okay," said Esme.

"Thank you!" said Gracy.

When they got all the food ready, they started to eat.

"This is delicious, Gracy!" Esme said as they started to eat.

"Thank you!" said Gracy.

"I'm going to play dolls until your finished eating," said Gracy.

"That's not fair, I had to wait until you got your food to eat, and know your leaving me," said Esme.

"You didn't even finish eating. Well, it wasn't yummy like daddy's lemon chicken," said Gracy.

"Is that where mom got that recipe?" asked Esme.

"Yes," said Gracy.

"Eww, that chicken is so disgusting," whispered Esme.

"What did you say?" asked Gracy.

"I said you look very pretty today, Gracy!" Esme sort of lied because Gracy actually did look very pretty today.

"Thanks, you're very kind. You're the best sissy in the world besides Jasmine," said Gracy.

"Who's Jasmine?" asked Esme.

"Jasmine is my sissy who lives with my mommy. Jasmine is three years old."

"I've got an idea!" said Esme.

"So, what's your idea?" asked Gracy.

"How about you ask Dean...," Gracy suddenly interrupted me.

"Who's Dean?" asked Gracy.

"I meant Daddy."

"Oh," said Gracy.

"How about you ask daddy if your mommy and Jasmine can come and visit," said Esme.

"Okay, I'll ask him now."

"Thank you for the idea," said Gracy.

"You're welcome," said Esme.

Gracy went out of the room to look for Dean, so she could ask him if they can visit.

If Dean says yes, she'll have a tea party with them instead of me. It would be really great because I would be able to do whatever I want to do.

"Please say yes, please," I kept repeating in my head.

Two minutes later, Gracy came back looking like she was about to cry.

"Did he say no?" Esme asked worried.

Although she hated when they had tea party's she'd rather have a tea party than have Gracy get upset.

"What did he say?" asked Esme.

"He said probably not," replied Gracy as sat over by Esme and began to cry.

"She's not going to come back. It will be just like the last day I saw her," said Gracy.

"What happened the last day you saw her?"asked Esme.

"My sissy and I were playing with blocks, having a good time, and all of a sudden my mommy came into the room and brought me outside and put me inside the car. She dropped me off at daddy's work and before she left she said I'm sorry, we have to leave and took Jasmine with her, leaving me alone at daddy's work. She had some guy bring me to daddy's office. When she left she didn't even tell me goodbye. I never saw them since. It was a bad day for me," said Gracy.

"I knew someone who didn't come back, too. I was very sad," said Esme.

"Who was it?" asked Gracy.

"It was my father," said Esme.

"I'm sorry," said Gracy.

"Me too," said Esme as she gave Gracy a hug.

"I've got an idea," said Gracy.

"What is it?" asked Esme.

"You'll see. Daddy!" shouted Gracy.

He walked into the room.

"What do you want?" asked Dean.

"Can Esme's daddy come to visit one day? Please, I want to meet him," said Gracy.

"I wonder what his answer will be," Esme thought.

Nightmare Saga [Completed #Wattys2024].Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora