Chapter 36 - Trick-or-treaters!

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"Were here!" shouted dad.

"I think we knew that," said Ronny.

Dad just had an angry look on his face. I think he's mad at Ronny.

"He must not like how Ronny's a vampire," I thought.

I got out of the limo and went inside.

"That was a fun party, except for the crying,"said Esme.

"Yeah, it was fun," said the vampire.

We had four days off for Halloween. Two days to clean the school because of the swine flu and the other two days were the weekend. Today was Halloween and Gracy went trick-or-treating while I was at Danielle's party. I don't go trick-or-treating anymore. I usually go to Halloween parties instead.

"Knock, Knock!"

"It must be Gracy," said Esme as she opened the door.

When she opened the door, she saw no one standing there. They must've left. A minute later, we heard more knocking. I opened the door and saw trick-or-treaters.

"Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat, if you don't I don't care, I'll pull down my underwear," sang the trick-or-treaters.

"I got a joke," said Minnie and Mickey mouse.

"What's your joke?" asked Esme.

"What do skeletons say after they eat dinner?" asked Minnie mouse.

"Hmm, I'm not sure," said Esme.

"Bone-appetite!" said Minnie mouse.

They all started to laugh.

"That's a great joke," said Esme.

"I'll get you extra candy," said Esme.

"Yay!" she shouted.

"Knock, Knock!" said Mickey Mouse.

"Who's there?"

"Boo," said Mickey Mouse.

"Boo hoo," said Esme.

"Don't cry! It's just a joke," said Mickey mouse.

They fake laughed again. It was so hard. They were good jokes, but they couldn't always make you laugh.

"You get extra candy too," said Esme. "Anyone else have a song, joke, or unless you want to dance. You'll get extra candy," said Esme.

"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way,"they sang.

"Christmas songs. Cool," said Esme.

She got a bowl filled with lollipops, chocolate, and skittles. She let them pick seven, which was definitely extra.

"Thank you!" they said as they walked to the sidewalk.

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