Chapter 28 - Costumes!

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"Let's buy some costumes," said Rosalie excitedly.

"We're buying costumes!" Esme shouted to Dean and her dad to tell them they were leaving.

We walked outside and went into the limo.

"Cool, a limo!" the vampires shouted.

We walked into "Spirit," the costume store. In the store, I went with the girls and the boys went with the boys because it's much quicker.

"Hi, Ellen. Hi, Bailey," said Esme.

"What do you want to be?" asked Esme.

"Candy corn," said Bailey.

"That's a cool costume," said Esme.

"Ellen, what do you want to be?" asked Esme.

"I don't know, maybe a vampire. It fits perfect," said Ellen.

"That's true," said Esme.

"I want to be little red riding hood," said Esme.

We looked for those costumes and found them, and then tried them on. They fit perfect. We went to see what the boys picked out to where. Ronny and Jim were werewolves and Seth and Conner were grizzly bears. They were being their two enemies' for Halloween. That's funny, Bailey, Ellen, and I said. They were being them as a joke, but no else would know. That seems embarrassing to be a bear, a werewolf too, but mostly a bear because you have to wear a big, fat costume, but at least no one knows who you are, unless you take the head of your costume off. We brang up our costumes and walked outside and went into the limo.

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