Chapter 6-Ronny seems different.

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After breakfast I asked Rosalie, "Can I go walk in the woods?"

"Okay, go ahead," said Rosalie.

I was wondering what the surprise could be, but I had no idea. I went outside and began walking on a trail in the woods and tried to think of what the surprise could possibly be. While walking on the trail, guess who she saw, her brother Ronny, which is one and a half years older than Esme (by the way, Esme is fifteen years old).

"Hello, how are you?" said Ronny.

"You look really different. Your face is paler, your eyes used to be brown, but now they look hazel or golden, and oh my gosh don't tell me you're a..." Esme soon became speechless.

"Esme you need to know this and I'm very sorry, but I've turned into a..."

All of a sudden, Esme started to scream and began to run out of the woods.

"Esme, come back!" screamed Ronny.

As Esme was just about to open the house door, she remembered her dream. In one of her dreams showed a guy that looked just like Ronny that said to her, "I'm a vampire, believe me, you'll have to soon. I'm nice and don't be afraid. That's for the future."

She started walking back to the woods nervously, although he said that in her dream, it may not be true. It may be a big mistake or not a mistake at all to trust him.

"Are you still afraid?" asked Ronny.

"No, I'm fine," I said nervously.

I couldn't believe I was actually talking to a vampire.

"Did you become a vampire the same way as the vampires in twilight?" Esme asked.

"Yes, I did. My creators are Rob and Renee' Manson."

"Is it fun being a blood-sucker?" asked Esme.

"A blood-sucker?" said Ronny puzzled.

"I meant vampire," said Esme.

"It's pretty fun, except drinking the animal blood. It tastes really good, but it's just so different."

"Don't drink my blood," I said nervously.

"I'm a vampire vegetarian, so I only drink animal blood, that's all. Some vampires
drink human and animal blood, but only if they're not vegetarian."

"When did all of this happen? Did you tell Dad?" Esme questioned.

"Dad knows and he's very angry with me and my vampire family and I just became a vampire six and a half months ago. It feels like forever," said Ronny.

"Who are your vampire siblings?" I asked.

"Whoa, this is just like twenty questions," said Ronny.

"Just answer the question!" I shouted.

"My siblings are Jim, Seth, Ellen, Bailey, and Conner."

"That's cool," said Esme.

"I'm great friends with Conner. He's dying to meet you."

"You told them about me. That's nice, I guess,"said Esme.

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